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T/W:this part contain bully scene so please skip if you feel uncomfortable.Stay safe ❤️

Wonbin fell on the floor followed a chime savage of laughter from Sion and his friends.

"C'mon dude show us what you got", one of the bullies said to Wonbin before one of his friend kicked Wonbin's body.

"C'mon short guy, show us some moves!", they all laughing while making jokes of him.

Suddenly Sion looked at his watch, "That's enough, let's go", he said to his friends. All his friends looked at him, "Are you serious dude?", they felt like they didn't have much fun yet.

"I'm bored, let's go", Sion said to his friends before he walked away. They all looked at each other then followed Sion quickly leaving Wonbin alone.

Wonbin took a deep breath as he tried to sit,he tried to bear the pain as the wounds from yesterday haven't heal fully.

He sighed before he turned his head to look at his surroundings. For him, his world is alone. No one can be there for him except himself. He took his bag then brought out his late mother's photo.

Deep down, he really missed his mother. He only have his mother before his father changed. He didn't want to blame his father because he know everything will be different if he didn't become selfish. As he felt his eyes started blurry, he quickly closed his eyes to stop himself from crying. He slowly lift his body to stand and took his bag to go back to his class.

- -

"Ok class i do believe that—",the teacher stopped talking when she saw Wonbin walked into the class.

All of the people stared at Wonbin, they were very shocked especially when the bruises at his face gained their attention.

"Park Wonbin",the teacher called Wonbin. Wonbin stopped and turned to his teacher without saying anything.

"Meet me after class", she said before Wonbin nodded and went to his seat. When the bell rang, all of them walked out from the class except Wonbin. Wonbin felt his phone vibrated so he read the message that he received from his workplace,

From:mr rue
Wonbin,you have to come early today

Wonbin started to feel anxious,he had to meet his teacher but he didn't want to lose his job.

"Park Wonbin",his teacher called Wonbin. Wonbin turned his head to his teacher then approached her.

"We need to talk about your behaviour",the teacher said to Wonbin. Wonbin bit his lips, worry started to engulf him.

"You are—",

"Teacher, can you let me go for a while? I will come back later", Wonbin tried to compensate with her. His teacher's face changed when she heard that before she smacked the table near her with her ruler.

"This is what Im trying to talk to you, your behaviour really disappoint me!", she scolded. "Please I'm begging you, i'll promise i"ll change", he tried to persuade his teacher even though he know she wont take it.

"Where's your manners, Park Wonbin! You always came to school with—", his teacher pointed his face and his body with her disgusted look,

"this kind of face. There's a rumour that you are joining something illegal or gangster or whatever. Our school doesn't tolerate gangsters so if I caught you with that, you will be expel from this school!", his teacher gave a lecture to him.

Wonbin looked down to the floor as his teacher dominated him, "Please stop embarrassed your parents. You came from Ulsan and now you're studying here so please behave like us", the teacher complained with her soft yet sarcastic tone before took her book then gave a sharp glance to Wonbin.

"This is a warning for you", she warned him before she walked out from the class.

As soon as she left,Wonbin quickly ran to his workplace. Despite the pain, the only thing that matters to him was to keep his job. But when he arrived, he saw his manager waited outside the restaurant.

"Where have you been?!",the manager yelled at Wonbin.

Wonbin bowed to him, "I'm so sorry", he apologized and on his way to enter the restaurant before the manager pulled his shirt and threw him out from there.

"Don't you dare come in", he stopped Wonbin. Wonbin was confused, he quickly stood and apologized again to his manager.

"I have some kind of issue just now but i promise it will never happen again, please~", he tried to beg to save his job. The manager looked at him annoyed, "You're fired!", he shouted then he walked inside the restaurant leaving Wonbin alone. 

Wonbin was startled until his knees fell to the ground, he couldn't believe what just happen. He lose his job, now he's done. He will never get enough money to pay for his school fees. He was lost in his deep mind consuming thoughts. His inside were fizzing in misery.

He dropped his gaze to the ground didn't even dare to look at people around him. He closed his eyes when suddenly he felt like somebody pulled his body up. He spontaneously responded to the reflex before he looked at the person in front of him.

"Are you okay?",Sungchan asked Wonbin while checked Wonbin's body to make sure he's fine. His hand was at Wonbin's arm before Wonbin pushed him away,

"Go away!", he yelled to Sungchan. Sungchan was stunned but he ignored Wonbin and held Wonbin's arm back. Wonbin was red ravaged with anger when he pushed Sungchan hard until he fell on the ground,

"Please get out of my sight!",Wonbin shouted to Sungchan and ran away from there.

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