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Wonbin was at his favourite park staring at the view of the lake in front of him. He came there after he finished his work as he wanted to have a time for himself. He was enjoying the view of the lake peacefully as if he barred his world away from everything. All he need just a time for himself,for everything.


Wonbin get back to his senses when he heard a voice coming from his side. When he turned his head, he saw Sungchan was standing with his hands on his waist.

"Why you didnt tell me you're coming here after work?",Sungchan complained, he looked very dissatisfied like he's being left out. "Why should i?", Wonbin responded with his monotone voice, portrayed his lack of interest in answering the question.

Sungchan pouted then sat beside Wonbin while Wonbin slightly smiled, deep down he know Sungchan will come here. 

"I don't want to go back", Wonbin suddenly start a conversation. "Go back where?",Sungchan asked Wonbin as he moved his body closer to Wonbin. "Go back to my house today",Wonbin answered while curved a small smile from his lips.

Wonbin felt like he need to avoid himself from meeting his dad for a while, probably for two days while his dad looking for a new job. He planned to ask the owner of his workplace whether they allow him to sleep there for some days. When Wonbin told his plan to Sungchan, he was surprised when Sungchan disagree with it.

"Its not safe", Sungchan replied. Wonbin looked confused, "Then where should I stay? I cant just sleep here", Wonbin responded while claiming that he have no where to go.

Sungchan smiled then put his arm on Wonbin's shoulder, "You can stay at my house",Sungchan suggested. Wonbin didn't know what to answer, he didn't want to give Sungchan a hard time but he also felt like he couldn't turn down the offer.

"Just stay at my house,my family will be fine",Sungchan told Wonbin. Wonbin looked at Sungchan with his face still looked confused when Sungchan stood and pulled Wonbin's hand asking him to stand.

"What are you planning to do?",Wonbin asked. Sungchan grinned before he took Wonbin's hand and they both walked out from the park. Sungchan stopped a taxi and they both came inside when Sungchan told the taxi to bring them somewhere.

"Lets just go home early so that we can rest",Sungchan said to Wonbin. Wonbin nodded and rest his back against the seat while his eyes were staring outside of the car.

He do enjoy watching scenery everywhere he goes, for him its like one of his ways in gaining his own peace. He used to go sightseeing with his parents when his mother still alive.

Wonbin started to feel suspicious when the taxi entered KK Residence, the place where only rich people lives. Wonbin turned his head to Sungchan who was smiling at him.

"Are you sure we're not at the wrong place?",Wonbin asked Sungchan. Sungchan smiled and pushed Wonbin's body slowly to his seat, asking him to stay calm. Wonbin nodded and looked back at the view outside the car when the taxi stopped near a house. Sungchan paid the taxi driver and walked out followed by the smaller. Wonbin was still shocked with his surroundings as he never been to this kind of residences.

"Are you okay?",Sungchan asked Wonbin. He felt worried when he looked at Wonbin. Wonbin let out an awkward smile while his head kept on rambled with an extensive amount of questioning.

Sungchan held Wonbin's hand as they walked to a villa that looks more like a mansion that can only be seen in the Tv. For Wonbin, this world is quite astonishing and surprisingly at the same time.

Sungchan saw the shock registered on Wonbin's face before he could hide it. A small smile played on Sungchan's lips after he saw Wonbin's reaction. They both walked in when a middle-aged woman came and approached Sungchan.

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