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Jaehyun walked into Sungchan's room and sat on the edge of the bed while Sungchan was lying on the bed, playing with his phone. "Channie, have you pack your things?", he asked his son but Sungchan doesn't answer him.

"Jung Sungchan, I'm talking to you right now", he tried to talk to his son but Sungchan still focused with his phone, purposely ignoring his father.

Jaehyun sighed as he took away Sungchan's phone which Sungchan shifted his gaze to Jaehyun,"What do you want?", he said angrily to his father. "Can you please stop behaving like this?", he asked his son. Sungchan rolled his eyes, "Fine, i'm sorry", he apologized with his sarcastic tone and took back his phone from his dad's hand.

Jaehyun stared at Sungchan who was still on his phone, he felt conflicted to talk about the matter but he thinks that he have to before they moved to US. He cleared his throat to get Sungchan's attention then called his son's name, "I know everything", he told Sungchan.

It didn't take too long when Sungchan dropped his phone and looked at his father, "I know what Jeno did to you", he confessed and looked directly at Sungchan's eyes.

"I'm sorry", he apologized and hugged Sungchan. Sungchan was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe what just happened to him. At the same time, he felt relieved that Jaehyun had find out by himself, probably his chance of leaving Jeno is brighter now.

Jaehyun released the hug and hold his hand,"Can you please.. act like nothing happened?", Jaehyun's request caught Sungchan off-guard. He was stunned as he couldn't believe those words coming from his own biological father.

"What do you mean?", he asked to clarify himself although he knows what Jaehyun meant.

"I did everything for you, you know we had suffered enough before we meet your Bubu and now we already live in a.. rich household", he stuttered while explaining his reasons but Sungchan still couldn't accept it. "Let just remember the good things.. you know we went to vacations, you got the latest iPhone, you can live in a big house.. you—"

"Shut up Appa!", Sungchan interrupted his nonsense explanation. He didn't know how his father dare to treat him that way. "Channie please do this for me", Jaehyun begged Sungchan as he held both Sungchan's hand trying to persuade his son. For Jaehyun, he felt bad for his son but he's already comfortable with their new lifestyle.

Sungchan tried to hold his anger and turned to his father, "Please go", he told Jaehyun to leave his room. Jaehyun sighed as he let go of Sungchan's hands, "I hope you can do this.. for me", he reminded Sungchan and leave the room. When he left, Sungchan tapped his head repeatedly letting out his frustration as he realized that no one that he can trust, even his own father. "Stupid! Stupid!", he cursed inside his head.

Suddenly, his head clicked on someone that he missed so much. He took his phone and clicked on the gallery as he scrolled photos of Wonbin that he took secretly. He felt glad he managed to take some photos of Wonbin, the moment he smiled, he laughed, the time he was sleeping and everything about Wonbin. Only God knows how much he missed Wonbin. He didn't realized he was smiling while looking at the photos.

But then, someone took his phone from his hands and threw it to the floor. Sungchan looked at Jeno who was obviously mad as his face was red ravaged in anger. "What the hell?!", Sungchan shouted at Jeno in anger.

"You know what?Im gonna kill this guy!", Jeno threatened Sungchan. Sungchan started to feel scared as he doesn't want anything bad happen to Wonbin."Don't you dare to hurt him!",Sungchan responded even though deep down he was very worried of Wonbin. Jeno smirked, "I can do anything i want", he said with a laugh before he leave the room.

Sungchan felt panicked as he quickly took his phone and luckily his phone still working. He quickly dialled Wonbin's number and tried to call him but Wonbin didn't picked up his phone.

"Pick up the phone Binnie, please~", he tried to call countless times but Wonbin still didn't answer the phone. He know Wonbin still mad at him after everything that he did, but now the only thing in his head is to make sure Wonbin is safe from Jeno.

"The number you have dialed is not—"

Sungchan threw his phone on the floor, felt fed-up because of Wonbin didn't answered the phone.

"Should i do this now? I think now is the right time", Thoughts rambling inside his head especially about his own plan. Sungchan quickly get changed and ran to Wonbin's house. 

When he arrived, he knocked the door and the door was opened by Wonbin's father. "Hi, is this Park Wonbin's house?", Sungchan asked Wonbin's father. Wonbin's father looked at him with his confused face and nodded.

"I'm one of his classmates.. and urmm your son was caught stealing at my house", Sungchan told Wonbin's dad about the issue. "What?!", Wonbin's dad was shocked with the info that he got from Sungchan.

"We wanted to contact you but Wonbin won't let me so I thought that maybe you can come over and.. you know take back your son", Sungchan explained the situation to the dad.

"Son of a b*tch!", Wonbin's dad cursed after he heard about his son and decided to follow Sungchan.

- -

Wonbin was sweeping outside of the restaurant as he's gonna finish his shift after do some cleaning. As he was sweeping, he realized someone was standing beside him. He turned to his side and saw Sion was standing while holding something at his hand.

"I'm sorry for what i did before", he apologized to Wonbin. Wonbin rolled his eyes and wanted to walk away before Sion grasped Wonbin's arm, "Please, i didn't mean to do that to you", Sion tried to explain his condition at that time.

"Here i bought some medicines and some—", He stopped talking when Wonbin removed Sion's arm from his and began walking away. Sion let out a breath and talked louder to gain his attention, "Please understand me Wonbin",he begged to Wonbin.

Wonbin stopped moving and turned back facing Sion, "What about you? Do you understand me Sion?", he asked back with his harsh tone. Sion was clueless, he didn't know what and how to answer Wonbin. Wonbin gave Sion his annoyed look then walked inside the restaurant before one of his coworker came to him.

"Who is he? Is he your boyfriend?", she asked Wonbin. Wonbin put back the broom," No, just some guy that couldn't keep his dick to himself", he replied to his coworker.

His coworker looked confused, "I thought his your boyfriend cause he always came here asking about you", she told Wonbin. Wonbin looked at her with his surprised look before he heard his phone ringing.

He took his phone and looked at the screen as he realized Sungchan was calling him but he didn't bothered by it. He just deleted when then he read the message that he got from Sungchan.

Sungchan :meet me at the park

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