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Wonbin arrived in front of his school when he saw a car parked near the entrance. He was walking as he saw someone familiar inside the car. Sungchan was in there with a guy on the driver's seat, patted his head.

Curiousity started to engulf Wonbin as soon as Sungchan walked out from the car and the car drove away from the school. Sungchan looked sad but when Wonbin approached him, Sungchan's face suddenly changed to his usual happy face.

"I didn't realized you here",Sungchan said to Wonbin. 

"Who is that?", Wonbin quickly bombarded Sungchan with questions as he really wanted to know who's the guy in the car beside Sungchan. It's not like he's jealous, it's just he felt uneasy if he didn't know that guy identity. yup Wonbin yup.

"who?",Sungchan asked back as if he didn't understand who Wonbin referred to. Wonbin raised his eyebrow, started to feel something fishy, "The guy in the car who patted your head",Wonbin answered while crossed his arms against his chest.

Sungchan let out a fake laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck, "It's my brother", he answered.

Wonbin's face changed as he was confused with Sungchan's answer. "You didn't tell me that you have a brother",Wonbin said to Sungchan. Sungchan felt his nervousness creeping inside him so he cleared his throat and curved an awkward smile.

"Owh really,sorry I thought I already told you.Anyway he's my other father's son so..not really",Sungchan didn't managed to finished his words.

"you mean he's your stepbrother?", Wonbin asked tried to understand what Sungchan tried to tell him. Sungchan nodded and grinned,

"Why?Are you jealous?",Sungchan tried to tease Wonbin.

Wonbin sighed before he walked away while Sungchan ran to follow him.

_ _

Wonbin felt bored in the class, he's not in the mood in the studying at that time so he kept on looking elsewhere. He yawned when he saw Sungchan was waving outside the door of his classroom asking Wonbin to come out. Wonbin felt nervous but he really wanted to meet Sungchan at the same time so he looked at his surroundings and slowly crawled below his seat until he arrived at the back door.

"You look funny",Sungchan told him while making fun of Wonbin crawling to walked out from the class.

Wonbin portrayed his annoyed face then raised his head, "why do you want to meet me?", he asked. Sungchan smiled as if there's a hidden agenda inside his mind, "lets skip classes and hang out at the rooftop" he told Wonbin.

Wonbin quickly shooked his head, "Are you nuts? no way", he rejected Sungchan's offer. "but I saw you don't even pay attention to the teacher", Sungchan tried to persuade Wonbin.

Wonbin again shooked his head,"I had enough of people hated me for no reason, now they will have a reason",Wonbin refused.

Sungchan held Wonbin's hand and pouted, "please, I'm bored", he told Wonbin.

Wonbin released his hand from Sungchan's, "no means no", he responded to Sungchan.





Sungchan pouted then looked down to the floor, felt sad that Wonbin didn't want to hang out with him. "Hmm never mind,I know I wasted your time", Sungchan said to Wonbin before he turned his back to Wonbin and walked away, playing his game to persuade Wonbin.

_ _

"I know you will come with me",Sungchan said to Wonbin happily as both of them arrived at the rooftop, "shut up",Wonbin replied.

After several times of refusal, he failed as Sungchan managed to make him feel guilty. Sungchan put his arm on Wonbin's shoulder,

"Let's just ignore others and make this time ours", he said to Wonbin and pinched Wonbin's nose before he ran happily at the rooftop. Wonbin felt annoyed at himself for failing at resisting himself from Sungchan but he then smiled when he saw Sungchan ran happily, enjoying the view.

They both sat at the rooftop and chattered about themselves when they both lie on the ground staring at the sky.

"Nice", Sungchan complimented the view. "I wish I can fly",Wonbin said to Sungchan and raised his arms to the sky as if he tried to reach it.

"Nah I prefer the water",Sungchan told Wonbin, indirectly giving hints of the future. Wonbin put down his arms, "whatever", he replied to Sungchan and closed his eyes.

He felt tired and sleepy as he was lying on the ground, maybe he need a quick nap he guess. He slept for a while when he suddenly awake as he heard a voice yelling at him. He opened and rubbed his eyes then quickly stood when he saw his teacher approached him.

"what are you doing here?", the teacher asked Wonbin. Wonbin looked at his surroundings when he realized Sungchan wasn't there. "young boy, I'm asking you right now", the teacher asked Wonbin. Wonbin looked back at the teacher, "I'm sorry teacher, I accidentally slept here. I should go to class now", he told the teacher then quickly ran back to his class.

He started to have mixed feelings about Sungchan especially when Sungchan always leave him without telling him.He felt mad and annoyed at the same time because he felt betrayed with Sungchan's attitude.

After school, he walked to his workplace when he felt like someone was tapping at his shoulder.He turned around when he saw Sungchan was smiling while showing a v-sign with his fingers.

"Fuck off", Wonbin said to Sungchan before Sungchan held Wonbin's hand to stop him. "why?",Sungchan asked Wonbin.

Wonbin sighed and turned his body facing Sungchan, "why do you leave me alone at the rooftop?", Wonbin asked Sungchan.

Sungchan suddenly looked down, "about that..",he then raised his head to look at Wonbin. "I actually..", he didn't managed to finish his words when Wonbin interrupted him.

"you know what..im done with your excuses",Wonbin said to Sungchan before he turned his back facing Sungchan.

Sungchan quickly ran in front of Wonbin, spread his arms tried to block his way. Wonbin felt the anger rushing inside his veins so he pushed Sungchan to his side and ran away quickly so that Sungchan didn't get to follow him.

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