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T/W:this part contain bully scene..if you feel uncomfortable please skip this part..stay safe ❤️

Wonbin was slammed to the rough, hard surface of the school's hallway viciously as a group of students swarmed around in a hurry. All shouting 'fight' in unison with excited eyes. Their cheers roaring and echoing through the school, cheering on the group of guys beating the crap out of Wonbin, yet again.

Wonbin looked at the most prominent boy among them who's also their leader, Sion. A devious grin curved on Sion's lips, his inside fizzed with anticipation of Wonbin's suffering and agony. Sion and his friends have been picking on Wonbin since the first day Wonbin came to the school. The vicious words turned to brutal beatings, pushing, tripping and anything that will hurt Wonbin.

Everything escalating to something neither of them thought it would end up to the beginning. But it didn't stop Sion. Two guys held Wonbin's arms down by his sides as Sion kicked and punched repeatedly in the face and stomach slamming against his ribcage with violence and rage. The students all howling like animals but Wonbin couldn't hear much of it with the low ringing in his ears.

"Come on freak! Show us what you got!", Sion screamed as he punched Wonbin square in the jaw one more time. The boys released Wonbin then Wonbin's body fell on the ground. Students are laughing and cheering at his faint body. With every minute he felt like a stone was placed on top of his eyes.

A sudden euphoric feeling washed over when he tried to stand then pushed the audience, scuttled from the crowd. Tears flowing from his eyes as he was forcing himself to ran hurriedly while his limbs anguished in pain. He kept on running until he reached his home, his another hell.

He let himself fell on the ground after sacrificing himself for running while gasped for his breaths. "Everything's gonna be fine Wonbin. Everything's gonna be fine", The words kept repeating in his head like a mantra to reassure himself.

He slowly stretched his hand forward, slowly lifted his body until he managed to stand still. His palm held the door knob, carefully opened it when he tiptoed to enter the house. His eyes bewildered to look for any signs of the devil as he listened to the voice of someone snoring from the living room.

His heart felt relieved as soon as he hurriedly walked inside his room. He entered his dark, black-coloured room when he threw his bag to the floor and threw himself on the bed. The pain in his limbs have became one with his body, he knew tomorrow he will get a new one so treating them will just mean nothing.

Wonbin sighed while his eyes stared on the ceiling on top of his head. He wished for everything to remain the way it supposed to be but now it just a dream that he wont get to fulfill.


Wonbin groaned internally as he walked into the sea of people and he finally reached his locker. He took his book when he felt a pair of strong hands clasp onto his shoulder, exhilarating his heartbeat as the hand turned his body facing the person.

Wonbin was surprised when his body almost stumbled till his back hit the locker. "Where have you been?", Sion greeted him with a laugh. A devious grin curved on his lips with his fingers curled into a fist. Luckily for Wonbin, Sion was alone at that time.

Wonbin bawled into his hoodie sleeves slowly regained his breath and calming himself. Sion's eyes diverted towards Wonbin's eyes as he leans against the locker. 

"You know we haven't finished yesterday", a chime of savage laughter followed as he moved his body closer to Sion. Wonbin's eyes rolled back, he was burned with anger especially when his school day ended with his most avoidable thing on his list.

"Fuck you"

Sion's eyes divert in to Wonbin's, his brows furrowed simultaneously. Wonbin held his courage when he pushed Sion from the locker, "Fuck you asshole", he yelled to Sion.

Sion held his grip when his hands clamped over Wonbin's mouth as he pushed Wonbin against the locker, leaning his weight on him. "You're lucky the teacher are here or else you already lose your head", Sion whispered into Wonbin's ear.

Wonbin shifted his fiery eyes to Sion, bloods flows through his veins as his fist clenched tightly. Wonbin pushed against Sion's chest before he knocked him backwards, sending him tumbling towards the floor.

Sion's eyes connected to Wonbin as his gaze resemble his furious intensity, radiating the same energy from Sion's eyes. He grabbed his jaw with his hand when a pair of hands grasp on Wonbin's shoulder, showing a middle-aged man looking at Wonbin furiously.

"You. Detention. Now", he screeched into Wonbin's ear as he started dragging him by the arm.

The teacher slammed the door behind him as he shoved Wonbin into a spare classroom. His eyes glaring at Wonbin as his bony arms forced him into a seat.

"New student but already act like a dickhead!", he shouted as he banged his palm on the desk. He turned and sauntered out the door leaving Wonbin in solitude with some other kid.

Wonbin sinked his face into his hands, exhaled a shaky breath that he didn't realised he had been retaining. He swiped his sleeves across his eyes, removing all remnants of his tears.

"Hey, hi~", a guy mumbled beside him before Wonbin raised his head and turned to the guy beside him.

Wonbin ran his eyes up and down him quickly then he shifted his gaze to the ground. "Um.. i got in a fight",Wonbin murmured in response when he heard a quiet laugh emitted from the guy's mouth. In fact, he didn't know why he have to explain to that stranger, but it annoyed him as he receiving the response.

"It's not funny", Wonbin replied to the guy. The guy shrugged and covered his mouth so that Wonbin wont listened to him laughing even though his laugh still being heard by him.

They both stopped and shifted their gaze in front after a teacher walked into the class.

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