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T/W:contain rape scene..skip if it might make u feel uncomfortable..stay safe ❤️

"Who's that guy?",Jeno asked Sungchan.

Sungchan looked down, doesn't even dare to do eye contact with the guy beside him. He was waiting for Wonbin when suddenly Jeno came out of nowhere and pulled him into his car.

"I'm sorry, but I have to wait for Binnie. I should go", he said to Jeno with his nervous tone. He just wished that Wonbin will take more time to take the phone so that he wont need to wait for him. When he heard that, Jeno let out a laugh as he couldn't believed what he heard. He pushed his finger to Sungchan's head,

"Yah i'm asking, who's that guy?", he asked again somehow he started to raise his tone.

Sungchan gulped, he tried to calm himself while held both his hands. "I'm sorry, I have to wait for Binnie. I should—"

"Stop fucking say his name!", he yelled and smacked Sungchan's head to the carseat.

"Aarggh", Sungchan yelled in pain while holding his head. Jeno let out his breaths because of the madness that began to engulf him. Sungchan was red ravaged in anger when he looked at Jeno with his fiery eyes.

He wanted to walk out from the car but then Jeno locked the car from the driver's seat. Sungchan turned back to Jeno and yelled to his face, "What do you want?!",he yelled as tears started to escape from his eyes.

Jeno noticed tears coming from Sungchan's eyes so he moved his hand closer and wiped it before Sungchan pushed his hand away, "Don't touch me!", he warned his stepbrother and looked outside from the window hoping that he can saw a glimpse of Wonbin.

Jeno held Sungchan's hand,"Look at me",he demanded Sungchan's attention but Sungchan pushed his hands away. Jeno's anger started to boil when Sungchan behaved that way but he tried to control himself because of love that he has for Sungchan.

He moved closer and carressed Sungchan's cheek before Sungchan turned his head to him and pushed Jeno's hand away. "Don't you ever meet him anymore", Jeno warned causing Sungchan looked at him with his shocked face, couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Who are you to tell me this?", he replied back . Jeno curved a smile and moved his body closer to hug Sungchan. "I do this for you. You're precious for me", he whispered then gave Sungchan a peck at his cheek. Sungchan was so mad so he pushed away Jeno's body from him.

Sungchan didn't realized he already crossed the line. Jeno's patience started to lose especially when Sungchan being stubborn towards him. He then pulled Sungchan's body closer to him and choked his neck. "Do you know the more you resist, the more i want you so bad?!", he scolded as he gripped Sungchan while the other tried to resist.

"Let me go", he tried to release himself by pushing Jeno's body away but his grip was too strong for him. "I just want you to be mine!", Jeno yelled to Sungchan. His red eyes exclaimed his needs from the suffering Sungchan.

Sungchan started to feel shortness in his breaths as he felt something blocked the airway inside his throat. "Let me go", he begged but Jeno started to grip his neck tighter than before.

Sungchan tried to punch Jeno's chest and pushed his face but he began to lose his strength. He let down his hands when then Jeno released him making Sungchan coughed desperate for some breaths. Jeno then lowered Sungchan's seat and sat on top of him. "What are you doing?!", Sungchan yelled before he was slapped by Jeno.

"Shut up", he warned Sungchan before he undo his pants. "Don't, don't do this!", Sungchan yelled again making Jeno closed his mouth with his hand. He lowered his body and whispered to Sungchan, "Baby, i know you like this", he whispered before he licked Sungchan's earlobe. Sungchan was tingling as Jeno started to kiss his neck and leave his mark there.

"You are mine",he said to Sungchan while continue leaving his marks. "Let go of me", Sungchan tried to sit and pushed Jeno but again Jeno slapped him harder until he laid back on the carseat. Jeno then undo Sungchan's pants while Sungchan tried to stop him. "Don't, please don't do this to me!",Sungchan begged but Jeno ignored him as greediness and lust already engulfed him.

He smirked and tried to lift Sungchan a bit so that he can get to the position. Sungchan tried to move himself but then he started to feel a force coming inside him. Tears started to crawled from his eyes begging Jeno to stop, but again he know its useless.

- -

"Sungchan,how are-"

Sungchan ignored Taeyong and walked away to his room. Taeyong looked confused when Jaehyun came to him felt curious of what's happening.

"What happen dear?",he asked Taeyong. They both looked at Jeno who walked inside the house and greeted both of them. "I didnt know you guys came home early", he greeted with a happy smile.

Worriness explained in Taeyong's face as he called Jeno. "Is everything okay with Sungchan?",he asked his son. Jeno looked confused, "Urm..he's okay. Why?", he asked his father again. "He ignored me just now", Taeyong expressed his sad feelings to them. Deep down he felt hurt but he didn;t want to take it seriously as Sungchan might had a hard time to adapt in this family.

"Owh,about Sungchan.We wanted to go to the funfair but Jaemin wanted to meet me just now so I have to cancel our plans.He got sulked and mad at me i guess",Jeno told his parents. "Owh its okay son. He's too sensitive", Jaehyun tried to comfort Jeno while Taeyong nodded already understand Sungchan's situation.

"Then,how bout Jaemin?",Taeyong asked as he wants to know the update of the proposal. Jeno's face changed when he heard Jaemin's name which his parents noticed Jeno's face turned gloomy.

"What's wrong son?",Jaehyun came closer and held Jeno's hand. Jeno looked at both his parents, "I already proposed to him but he.. he said he needs time", he explained to his parents.

Taeyong hugged Jeno while patted Jeno's back softly, "Oh my, Its okay son. Let him think first because he might be very nervous.", Taeyong responded. "I believe he will accept the proposal",Jaehyun said to Jeno to comfort him.

"Thank you appa and bubu",Jeno thanked both of them while wiped a tear that escaped from the corner of his eye. Taeyong smiled and linked his arms to Jeno's, "Then lets eat your favourite food together", he said to Jeno with a nod from Jaehyun. Jeno smiled and nodded before all three of them walked to the dining room.

- -

Sungchan ran to his room and locked the door.He jumped to his bed and dug his head on the pillow.Tears started to fall from his eyes.

Madness, guilt and humiliation engulfed him as he smacked his bed repeatedly expressing his anger. All he wished for everything to stop, that's all he need. He yelled while covered his face the pillow hoping that no one will heard him.

"I hate myself!", he said while knocking the pillow on his head. He threw the pillow away when he heard his phone ringing. He stopped crying when he saw the name that popped out from the screen.

He took his phone and turned it to the speaker mode.

Wonbin:hey why do you leave me?I thought i told you to wait for me

Sungchan wiped his tears when he felt calm listening to Wonbin's voice.

Wonbin: can you stop acting like this? you know I'm so mad at you!

Sungchan tried to hold his laugh cause he found him cute. He smiled and laid down on the bed beside his phone.

Wonbin: hey say something! Do you think I'm a joke to you?! You know what, don't talk to me anymore!

Wonbin complained and ended the phone call. Sungchan slightly smiled and hugged the phone until he fall asleep.

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