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"Hold on", Wonbin ran to open the door but then he froze when he saw Sungchan was standing in front of him. "Hey", Sungchan greeted him with his awkward tone.

Wonbin started to feel annoyed so he wanted to close the door before Sungchan hold the door, tried to stop him. "Why are you so mad at me?",Sungchan asked while holding the door.

"What kind of question is that?",Wonbin complained while tried to close the door. Sungchan tried to grip his hands so that he can defeat Wonbin. "I'm sorry", he apologized to Wonbin but the smaller still didn't resist.

"Fuck off", Wonbin yelled at Sungchan and tried to use his energy to close this door. "I won't let go if you don't want to forgive me!", Sungchan tried to persuade Wonbin.

Wonbin smirked, "Then, I will", Wonbin released his grip from the door making Sungchan's fingers caught between the door.

"Aargghh!",Sungchan yelled as he felt hurt on his fingers. He loosen his grip from the door and held his fingers in pain.

"You deserve it!",Wonbin scolded Sungchan and closed the door. He was very mad at Sungchan since the rooftop incident.

Since then, he started to ignore Sungchan everywhere he goes.He didn't replied Sungchan's calls and messages because of his own ego who dominated him more. He walked to his living room but then his head kept on reminded him of Sungchan.

"Is he okay?What if it hurts so bad?"

Wonbin quickly shooked his head, "Nonsense, i shouldn't think about him. He deserve it", Wonbin mumbled to himself. He walked to the kitchen but as he walked passed the window, his eyes were peeping on his side to look for Sungchan.

"Is he still outside?",Wonbin asked himself. 

He then sighed and walked back to open the door when he saw Sungchan was sitting outside, checking his fingers. He approached Sungchan making the other raised his head to look at him,

"Does it hurt a lot?",Wonbin asked with his monotone voice. Sungchan portrayed his sad face and pouted while nodded. Wonbin rolled his eyes and turned his back to enter his house but when he came at the door, he stopped and turned his head to Sungchan.

"You dont want to come in?",he asked. Sungchan's face changed as he was very happy, all the pain that he felt before already faded. He stood then walked inside Wonbin's house before Wonbin locked the door.

"Your dad's not here?",Sungchan asked.

Wonbin shooked his head, "He went back to his hometown until next month", Wonbin explained while look for some foods to serve his guest.

"You already eaten?", he asked. Sungchan shooked his head and smiled, "Why? Do you care about me? Will you marry me?", he replied to the other jokingly.

Wonbin again rolled his eyes, "I did this because i felt bad for hurting you before. If you're fine, you can go", Wonbin warned him.

Sungchan's face suddenly changed and he started to act like he's hurt. "Ouch im so hurt, if no one's gonna help me i might die from this pain", Sungchan acted so that Wonbin will let him to stay.

Wonbin raised his eyebrow, "Stop being overdramatic", he complained at Sungchan which he then held his temple, "Suddenly i got headache, is it because of my fingers that hurt before? I'm so weak..i need help", Sungchan began his acting again to gain Wonbin's sympathy.

Wonbin sighed then walked closer to Sungchan, "You do love lying, aren't you?", he asked. Sungchan let out a heavenly smile, "At least you will look at me", he answered.

Wonbin put his hands at his waist, "You know what? Just wait at the living room..i don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore", he said to Sungchan and walked to the kitchen.

"Okay baby~",Sungchan responded with a laugh then began looked around the living room.

- -

After lunch,they both laid on the floor as they felt very full. "I didnt know you're very good at cooking",Sungchan complimented Wonbin earning a laugh from the other.

"Hey,its just ramyeon.Its not a big deal",he responded to Sungchan. Sungchan shrugged, "i can only cook air", he joked. Surprisingly they both finds it funny as they both laughed and turned to look at each other as their face were very close.

Both their eyes were looking directly at each other as if time started to stop at that moment. Wonbin started to feel something inside him trembling especially when Sungchan's face was very close to his. His heart beat rapidly with his face began blushing red. He can't understand what was happening to him but the only thing he want that time is to move his face closer to Sungchan.

And he did.

He moved his face closer while Sungchan doesn't even move, his eyes were eyeing Wonbin's face and stopped at his lips. Wonbin know what he want but he didn't know what he should do before Sungchan brushed his nose to Wonbin and laughed.

Sungchan then stood, "Owh im so thirsty", he said to Wonbin and walked to the kitchen leaving Wonbin perplexing what happened just now.

He walked back to Wonbin while holding a glass of water, "I think today's weather is very hot..i kept on getting thirsty", he said followed by a laugh. Wonbin felt slightly hurt as he still couldn't stop thinking of Sungchan's response.

Sungchan sat in front of Wonbin and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, can i ask you something?",Sungchan asked. Wonbin looked at Sungchan and nodded while the taller drank his water and put the glass beside him.

"What if i love to lie?",he asked followed by a grin. Wonbin felt annoyed as the word 'lie' kept on playing on Sungchan's mouth.

He took a deep breath and looked at Sungchan, "You know what, you can do whatever you want. If lying makes you happy, then just lie", he answered which he also cant explain whether it can be considered as a sarcasm.

Wonbin stood while Sungchan held his hand, stopping him. "Where are you going?", he asked Wonbin.

"Toilet ,why? you wanna follow?" ,he replied with his sarcastic voice. Sungchan laughed and released Wonbin's hand before he walked inside the toilet.

He locked the door and stared at the person in the mirror. When he looked at his face, he felt funny because that's the face that wanted to kiss someone before.

"Are you trying to make fun of yourself, Wonbin?",he asked himself while chuckled. He tried to calm himself from all those mixed feelings that have been tangled in him, his life is already a joke so he wished not to add more humor on it.

"Don't be so pathetic Wonbin, You already pathetic enough", he said to himself.

He shooked his head and washed his face as he admit that Sungchan will never have the same feelings as him. He moved his fingers to the corner of his lips to form a smile and walked out from the toilet.

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