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T/w:contain abuse scene..please skip if you feel uncomfortable

Wonbin went back home after he ran from Sungchan. But then as he entered his house, his wrist was gripped by his father. Wonbin was shocked as he didn't know that his father was there, he used to be outside during day and come back home at night.

"Give me your money!", his dad yelled to Wonbin. Wonbin didn't answered as he tried to release himself from his father's grip. Suddenly,his father slapped him on his face until he almost fell.

"I know you're hiding your money!", Wonbin's dad pulled Wonbin's hair to look at him. Wonbin steadied himself before he pushed his dad away and ran to his room. However, his dad quickly gripped his legs until Wonbin fell in front of his room. Wonbin's dad sat on Wonbin's body before he started to choke Wonbin.

"Did you just pushed me just now?!Huh?!", Wonbin tried to release himself from his dad's grip but his head started to get dizzy. His dad stopped choking him as he began standing beside Wonbin's body.

"So you really didnt want to tell me huh?!",his dad asked him with his fiery eyes urging an answer from Wonbin. Wonbin gasped from breaths and turned to his dad. He wanted to answer but then his dad began kicking his body repeatedly.

Wonbin tried to run but the kicking is getting stronger making him felt weak, "You piece of shit!", his dad yelled to him before he gave a kick on Wonbin's head. Wonbin's vision started to become blurry before he decided to close his eyes, hoping it will end.

- -

The next day, Wonbin didn't go to school as he decided to look for a new job. Besides, the wounds from his body especially his face doesn't heal yet and he doesn't want to go to school with that kind of face especially when the people at the school mostly judged him bad.

He walked out from a store when he felt like someone was standing behind him. He turned then saw Sungchan smiling at him, "What are you doing here?", Wonbin asked.

"How bout you? What are you doing here?", Sungchan asked back, didn't even answer Wonbin's question. Wonbin felt annoyed so he turned back to leave Sungchan, for him it just a waste of time to talk to him. "No one will hire you if your face looks like that", Sungchan said to Wonbin.

Wonbin stopped as he started to feel mad, he felt like Sungchan's already meddling in his private life or more like a 'busybody'. "Can you stop acting like this?", Wonbin asked.

Sungchan blinked his eyes,

"Act like what?",Sungchan asked while portrayed his innocent face. Wonbin sighed before he turned back and walked away from Sungchan. His only focus is to look for a new job, not to waste his time with Sungchan.

- -

Wonbin walked to a park after he finished looking for jobs. He sighed as he couldn't get any jobs, maybe Sungchan's right. No one want to hire a person who looked like had been into fights. He looked down on the ground tried to calm himself when he felt like someone was sitting beside him.

"Please not that annoying guy", Wonbin mumbled before he turned his head to his side...and yeah its him.

Sungchan looked at Wonbin with a wide smile as if he's winning from an argument. Wonbin wanted to stand but then Sungchan held his hand to stop him.

"What the hell", Wonbin released his hand from Sungchan's. He was shocked when Sungchan held his hand. "Can you just sit first? You can't go back home that early", Sungchan told Wonbin.

Wonbin wanted to ignore Sungchan, but Sungchan is right. He shouldn't stop to look for a new job cause he wont have time tomorrow. He avoided eye contact then sat back beside Sungchan before he stared at the view in front of him.

"Here", Sungchan said while handing something to Wonbin. At first,Wonbin didn't even pay attention to Sungchan but he felt annoyed when Sungchan kept on tapping his arm with the 'thing' that he held.

"Aaiishhhh,what?!", Wonbin turned to Sungchan as he was red ravaged in annoyance. "Take this", Sungchan said to Wonbin before Wonbin took the box from Sungchan.

When he opened it, he saw some chocolates in the box. Wonbin raised his head to look at Sungchan who was grinning. "What for?",Wonbin asked him.

"Have some",Sungchan told Wonbin. Wonbin looked confused at the same time nervous,

"Did you put poison in it?", he asked Sungchan.

Sungchan was stunned with his question but then he laughed loudly."Crazy", Wonbin cursed in his head.

Sungchan stopped laughing and looked directly to Sungchan's eyes, "Yes, a poison of my love",Sungchan said while showed his finger hearts to Wonbin. Wonbin rolled his eyes before he took some chocolates to have some, to be honest the chocolates seems tempting for him which he couldn't resist.

"Chocolates can make you happy", Sungchan told Wonbin while staring at him. Wonbin raised his eyebrow,

"That's a lie", he said before he continued eating the chocolates. Sungchan slightly smiled, "I love that lie".

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