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T/W: contain abuse scene.. please skip if  it can make you feel uncomfortable

Wonbin was on his way to his school when he saw Sungchan was standing at the gate. He saw Wonbin and waved to him while Wonbin started to curse inside his head.

"Try to act normal..try to act normal",those words kept on repeating inside his head like a mantra.

He ignored Sungchan and walked passed him before Sungchan took Wonbin's hand to stop him.Wonbin let go of his hand from Sungchan's grip then turned to Sungchan.

"What do you want?",he asked the taller.

"Why are you ignoring me?",he asked with his glassy eyes,perhaps he's acting like he's gonna cry.

Wonbin scoffed and eyeing Sungchan,"Well because of you",he replied with his annoyed tone. Sungchan still looked confused but then he moved closer and put his arm on Wonbin's shoulder while played Wonbin's cheek with his finger.

"Why so mad sweetie?Did you miss me so much?",he teased the pretty boy beside him.

Wonbin took a deep breath tried to hold his anger before he pushed Winwin Sungchan."Do you think im a joke to you?",Wonbin responded.

Sungchan furrowed his eyebrows and shrugged,"I dont understand",he replied.

Wonbin curled his fingers into a fist as Sungchan started to get to his nerves. He knew Sungchan was acting dumb so that he can get away with it.

"Can you stop lying?",Wonbin scolded Sungchan. They both turned silence when Sungchan took Wonbin's hand, "I thought you're okay if i continue to lie", he said with worriness visible on his face.

Wonbin let out his anger breaths as he put his hand to his waist while another hand to push his bangs exposing his forehead.

"You know what,im so done with you",he responded to Sungchan and walked away to his class.

- -

Wonbin was in his class listening to his lecture, but his mind were somewhere else because of today. He realized he cant pay attention to the class so he took a photo from his pocket.

He stared at the photo of his mom and slightly smiled,"Happy birthday mom",he wished and hugged the photo.He do really missed his mother so much,especially he's the reason he lose her.

After school,he went to the park and sat infront of the lake.He was mesmerised with the view infront of him even thought he went here countless times.

"Maybe mom will love this",Wonbin said to himself.

Suddenly, the thought of his mum started to engulf him. Hurt and belongingness creeping inside his heart letting out tears crawling out from his eyes. Regretful woe began crushing him as if it blaming Wonbin for everything that happened.

"I'm sorry mom", he cried while covered his face with his hands. He felt ashamed of himself for being selfish, for being a killer to the person that he loved the most. "I'm sorry mom..im sorry", he apologized while sobbed, begging for forgiveness from his mother.

Suddenly, he felt the presence of someone sitting beside him. He put down his hands and saw Sungchan was looking at him.

"What?",he lashed out at Sungchan. Sungchan's face changed as if he understands Wonbin when he moved closer and hugged him. Wonbin wanted to resist but he started to feel the warmness from the hug. He hugged back Sungchan and rested his head on Sungchan's chest.

Tears kept on flowing from the corner of his eyes while Sungchan continue patting him from the back. Wonbin raised his head and looked at Sungchan,

"Can you please don't leave?", he said to Sungchan with his voice obviously begging the other. Sungchan looked directly at Wonbin's eyes before he nodded and slowly patted Wonbin.

Wonbin released the hug and turned back facing the lake while covered his face. "Give me time", he told Sungchan as he wanted to calm himself for a while.

He took a deep breath and wiped his tears, once he felt that he's getting better he let out a breath and raised his head to look at Sungchan. He turned to his side but then he realized Sungchan wasn't there.

He looked at his surroundings but there's no signs of Sungchan at all. He felt a sense of betrayal as he started to laugh to himself, he thinks of himself as a joke.

"Why do i trust him? He loves to lie", Wonbin clarified to himself. He don't even know whether he is in the right state of his mind, or it's just his delusions. Wonbin stopped laughing and took his bag before he stood and leave the park.

- -

Wonbin stood in front of his door as his hands started shaking. He know his dad was inside and that thoughts kept on bothering him, he know something will happen and he know it will.

He took a deep breaths and opened the door as he listened to "a thousand years" song playing at the living room. He closed the door and walked towards the living room, looking at his father sat on the floor while holding his beer.

His dad looked at Wonbin who was standing in front of him, looking very scared while playing with his hands.

"You know this is your mother's favourite song, do you?", his father rhetorically asked him. Wonbin glanced at his father before he looked back to the floor and nodded.

His father stood and walked towards Wonbin, "Son,why you came back home late?",he asked. Wonbin felt his body was coated with cold sweats, his hands shaking as he felt very nervous to answer the question.

"Are you trying to make your mother come back?", his father asked Wonbin followed by a laugh. Wonbin still didn't replied anything, he know something is up but he didn't know when. The only thing he know is to be ready to get the beating for everything that happen because of him.

"Hey do you hear me?!",his dad started to get mad as he slapped Wonbin's face. Wonbin hold both his hands while looked down, tried to stabilize himself. His dad then pulled Wonbin's hair until they both make eye contact.

"If you didn't asked her to go buy the orange juice for you, she won't be dead!", his dad yelled at him before he slapped him harder than before.

"If you just be patience and let her buy the orange juice tomorrow, she will still be alive! Just for a fucking orange juice and she's dead!", Wonbin's dad punched his face until he fell on the floor. Wonbin felt something burning at his body as he tried to hold himself, tried to regain his energy.

His dad walked closer to Wonbin's body and kicked his face, "If you just learn to control your temper and didn't make her feel bad, she will still be alive!", his dad yelled to Wonbin.

He lowered his body and smacked Wonbin's face to the floor with his hands, "Die!Die!You should die!", he let go of Wonbin's head and laughed happily. Blood dripping from Wonbin's head as Wonbin tried to breath to remain conscious.

"You know i hate you so much! I thought you will be a very a good son, turns out you're useless!", Wonbin's dad spitted at his body and gave a last kick to Wonbin's body before he walked away leaving Wonbin lying alone on the floor.

Wonbin blinked his eyes countless times tried to remain conscious but his head started to get dizzy."Stay strong Wonbin.I know you can",he tried to motivate himself but his energy started to drained.

His body felt weaker and the only thing that kept on ringing in him is the song that played on the living room, his mother's favourite song. Wonbin slightly smiled at the thoughts of his mother dancing happily while listening to the song. Cold memories flashing by his head, lowkey asking him to survive.

"Darling don't be afraid i' have loved you for a thousand years"

The image of his mom smiling at him, asking him to sing alone played in his head. His smile widened as he remembered how his mother asked him to memorize this song. "I love you mom", he said to himself hoping that his mom will heard him.

"I love you for a thousand more"

"I love you more, happy birthday mom", Wonbin wished to his mom and closed his eyes hoping that he can met her in his dreams.

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