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T/W: this part contain bully scene, please skip if you feel uncomfortable..

"You dirty wreck! You don't deserve to live!"

Wonbin looked down as Sion shouted insults at him, he tried to show that he's not hurting inside. Suddenly, he felt someone's fist on his face. Wonbin stumbled backwards and blood trickled from his nose. One of Sion's friend clenched his fist as a vein popped out of his forehead before he swung his arm.

"Dude, what the fuck!",Sion scolded his friend. Wonbin felt light-headed, his legs gave away and he crumbled to the ground. Wonbin's vision blurred as tiny droplets of sweats ran down his forehead. He then closed his eyes without realized that he's began to pass out.

- -

Wonbin slowly opened his eyes when he felt unfamiliar with his surroundings.

"You're awake", Wonbin quickly turned his side as soon as he heard the voice. He looked at Sungchan who was smiling at him. "Who are you?", Wonbin asked even though he intended to insult Sungchan.

Sungchan grinned,"I'm your saviour",he answered. Wonbin portrayed his awkward face, "Stop lying", he said as he felt disgusted.

Sungchan laughed, "I love that lie", he replied with a grin."The hell", Wonbin cursed inside his head before he ignored Sungchan.

He lay back on the bed and turned his body with his back facing Sungchan. He felt bad for treating Sungchan that way if its really true that Sungchan saved him but he couldn;t dare to ask him. He decided to close his eyes and take a nap before he entered his class later.

- -

After school, Wonbin on his way to his home when he felt like someone was following him. Wonbin tried to ignore his feelings but when he arrived at his home, he decided to turn back and talked to Sungchan.

"Ok, thank you.Done?", Wonbin shouted at Sungchan. Sungchan raised his eyebrows, gave Wonbin a confused look.

"You want me to thank you, aren't you?", Wonbin asked Sungchan. Sungchan stared at Wonbin before he curved a smile, "It's not that but ok you're welcome", Sungchan replied accepted his gratitude.

Wonbin turned back to go to his home but he still felt like Sungchan wasn't leaving yet so he turned back and looked at Sungchan. "What do you want?", Wonbin asked Sungchan.

Sungchan looked at his surroundings then pointed his finger at himself, "Me?", he asked Wonbin. "If you want to be friends, I'm sorry I'm not interested", Wonbin told Sungchan. For him, he prefer to be alone. He don't deserve to have someone or anyone in his life.

"But..", Sungchan wanted to explain but then Wonbin caught a glimpse of his father from afar. He started to feel panicked when his heart beat rapidly while his hands began shaking.

He looked at Sungchan, "Go away", he yelled at Sungchan before he quickly entered his house.

When he entered, he quickly ran to his room and locked his door hoping that his father wont come to him. Little did he knew this already became a habit for him.

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