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T/W:contain bully and abuse scene..please skip if it can make you feel uncomfortable

Sungchan waited for Wonbin at the park that they used to hang out together. He waved at Wonbin signalling to come to him. "Have you eaten?", he asked Wonbin causing the other raised his head and gave a surprised look,

"Are you serious?",he was surprised with Sungchan's insensitive act. Sungchan was confused, "What's going on?", he asked as he saw Wonbin looked very furious.

Wonbin huffed in annoyance and looked at the other in disbelief, "Can you please stop acting like this? Stop playing with my feelings! Stop everything!", Wonbin let out his frustration to Sungchan.

Sungchan couldn't understand what's inside Wonbin's head. He looked at the smaller, "I.. I don't understand what is—"

"I like you Sungchan", Wonbin's sudden confession interrupted Sungchan which he was shocked when he heard that, he felt his mouth was sealed with Wonbin's words. Wonbin gave a glance at Sungchan, waiting for him to response.

Sungchan wanted to answer but the thoughts of him have to move to USA bothered him. He tried to brainstorm the right answer when then he realized Wonbin slightly smiled at him.

"I know i look stupid right now",he said to Sungchan. Sungchan moved closer to Wonbin,

"I.. i just—"

"Don't come to me!" Wonbin cut Sungchan's words angrily.

Sungchan steps back—caught off guard by Wonbin's harsh tone. "Lets just act like we don't know each other!", he decided to end everything with Sungchan.

He knew he shouldn't befriend him at first realizing that he will develop feelings to Sungchan. "Binnie, stop let me explain", Sungchan tried to stop him but Wonbin ignored him as he turned with his back facing Sungchan.

"Binnie,please listen to me", Sungchan said pleadingly grabbing Wonbin's arm. The crack in his voice breaks Wonbin's heart- but he stay firm with his decision. He removed his arm from Sungchan's grasp and walked away silently

- -

Since that day Wonbin haven't contacted Sungchan,he even ignored Sungchan whenever they bump onto each other. Days by days Wonbin started to start his usual normal life, life as a loner.

"Hey Ulsan guy!"

Wonbin turned his head when he saw Sion and his friends were calling him. He quickly ran out from the school while the gang followed him from the back. He ran at the back of the school when unfortunately he was cornered by the boys. "Where are you going huh?", Ren teased Wonbin followed by the other boys holding Wonbin.

"He looked so scared dude", Jake laughed while talking to Sion. Wonbin looked at Sion who was obviously tried to avoid eye contact with him. "He's boring, let's go find someone else", Sion said to his friends. 

All of them gave a weird look to Sion when Ren put his arm on Sion's shoulder, "Dude you know what,you started to act weird", he said to Sion. Sion noticed his friends sensed something fishy of him so he cleared his throat and laughed. "It's not like that, it's just i need to bully someone that will beg to me release them. This guy doesn't even said a word like he's mute", Sion explained his reason.

"Really Sion?", Wonbin's sudden response surprised them especially Sion. "What the fuck!", Jake punched Wonbin's face as he felt threatened with Wonbin's reaction. Ren shifted his gaze to Wonbin then back to Sion, 

"He just being rude to you dude! What are you waiting for?", Ren said sarcastically to Sion. He knew something is off with Sion so he tried to test Sion so that he can get that feeling off his head. Sion was dumbfounded, he really didn't want to hurt Wonbin but he noticed those eyes were looking at him.

"You're so late",another friend of him,Luke annoyed with Sion so he began kicking Wonbin. "What happen to you Sion? You're changed", Ren tried to manipulate Sion.

Sion curled his fingers into a fist as his head were overwhelmed with thoughts. "Are you gonna hit him or not?!", another friend of him, Mike started to lose his patience. They all kept on manipulating Sion before Sion yelled at all of them.

"Shut up! Don't force me if I don't want!", Sion snapped before he rushed to Wonbin and began punching him repeatedly. He pushed his friends who was holding Wonbin until they released him on the ground.

"You guys are so annoying!", Sion yelled before he kicked Wonbin's body then walked away from there. All of them were clueless with everything that happened just now. "Lets go, i guess he's not in the mood today", Ren said to all of them then they walked away leaving Wonbin alone.

Wonbin tried to lift his body but pain kept on creeping inside his nerves. He took a deep breath and lifted himself, luckily he still can walk by himself. He walked slowly while his arms were on his injured body, tried to hold the pain.

"Binnie~", Wonbin heard someone calling him but he ignored it because he recognized the voice.

"Binnie are you okay? I have been looking for you", Sungchan ran to him and tried to hold his hand. He noticed Wonbin was injured and he wanted to help but then Wonbin removed Sungchan's hand from his and continue walking.

"Wonbin, please let me send you back to your home", Sungchan tried to help him but still Wonbin didn't responded to him. Sungchan felt sad but he chose not to bother Wonbin anymore, for him maybe Wonbin need his time for himself. Wonbin continue to ignore Sungchan and walked back to his home.

When he arrived,he saw his dad was sitting in front of the door. "Next", Wonbin mumbled as he knew what will he get after this. His dad saw Wonbin who was walking to him before stood and pulled him into their house.

When they entered,he threw Wonbin's body on the floor and he locked the door.Wonbin smelt the intoxicating scent of alcohol coming from his dad's clothes.

"How dare you come back to my house?!", his dad hold Wonbin's collar before he gave a punch to his face. "Why did you come back here?!", his dad screamed at his face and gave him another punch. His dad then released Wonbin's collar and untied his belt before Wonbin took some of the alcohol bottles from his side and threw it at his father.

"Arghh!",the dad yelled in pain while Wonbin hurriedly lifted his body and stood. "Where the hell you want to go?!", his dad wanted to stop him but Wonbin managed to run to his room and quickly locked the door.

"Open the door you bastard!", Wonbin's dad knocked the door harshly insisted for Wonbin to open it. He then sat at the corner and pulled his knees against his chest with his hands covered his ears. All he wish for this to end, that's all he wanted.

"You sick bastard open the door!", Wonbin's father knocked the door harsher as he tried to open the door, more like he's gonna smash the door. Wonbin closed his eyes to prevent himself from listening to any sounds around him.

"Trust me, everything will be fine. Trust me, everything will be fine", those words kept on repeating inside his head like a mantra as tears started to drop from the corner of his eyes.

"Trust me, everything will be fine", he tried to calm himself by making a promise to himself. But he know that he's just lying to himself. And he also realized that 

He's just the same as Sungchan,

A liar

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