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T/W:contain abuse and suicidal attempt scene..please skip if it can make u feel uncomfortable

Wonbin felt the tension and heard the intensity in his father's tone.There's a great deal of emotion behind these words he is speaking.

"Because of you, i lost my job!!",his father yelled at him while threw a bottle of wine to his side. His hand hit and Wonbin fell with the force of it. He hadn't expected his father to be so strong because of his condition.

His father sat on top of him making Wonbin tried to release himself. "Please, i have to go to school", Wonbin tried to beg to his father as he might be late.

"Shut up!!",his father's raw voice brutal against his ear.Wonbin struggled against him, he pushed his father roughly and took his bag before he ran out from his home. When he arrived at his school, he realized his first class almost end.

He quickly entered his class when the school bell rang followed by other students going to their next class. All students looked at Wonbin and walked out ignored him before Wonbin approached his teacher.

"Teacher, im so sorry. I—-"

"Park Wonbin, enough!", the teacher yelled at him, stopped him from talking.

Wonbin was stunned with his teacher's act, he began to look down on the floor.

"I've heard a lot about you! You bully other students, you always skip classes and now you join some gangster shit..i..im so dissappointed with you!", the teacher complained to him before she walked away leaving Wonbin.

Wonbin was dumbfounded, he felt something strike inside his heart as if he was hard to breathe. He walked out from his class when he noticed his surroundings were mocking him.

"I knew it,he's not a good person"

"He just a shame for his family"

"Can he just not come to school anymore"

Wonbin curled his fingers into a fist, tried to hold his anger. His eyes shifted directly to the people who talked bad about him.

"Omg he looks scary..im afraid he will kill me"

"I think he's a faggot"

"His face really looks like a punchbag..i think i should get rid of him"

Wonbin felt something urging him but his head doesn't go well with his mind. He ran from the crowd to the rooftop where he thought that he can get some sort of peace. When he arrived, nausea crept from his abdomen to his head as it felt like his innards were being replaced by some kind of black hole. The sadness started to drain through him, the sorrow grew more profound each days especially when every other emotion pushed from his being.

Wonbin started to walk near the edge while looking at the students who were playing soccer at the field. Jealousy engulfed him especially when the students were laughing and cheering happily, nothing bothers them to enjoy the greetings of life. Wonbin began laughing loudly, enjoying his panoramic view while clapped his hands hardly enough until they turned red.

"Stupid,stupid,stupid!!",he shouted happily claimed his title to the world.

Some of the students started to notice Wonbin while they tried to yell at him,"Hey, what are you doing over here?!",they all yelled to Wonbin, worried that he might plan to do something or also harm himself.

"Its okay, im fine!", Wonbin yelled back to them laughing while showed a thumbs up sign. For other people that looks creepier but for him that's the way to tell people that he's leaving. He took another step forward and held his cheeks who was hurt from laughing.

"Its not that hard, I guess", he said to himself. "Hey get down!!",some of the student yelled back at him as they saw Wonbin took another step forward near the edge. Wonbin grinned happily and as he began to lift his leg, a force pulled him to his back until he fell down to the floor.

He was shocked as his eyes shifted to Sungchan who was crying heavily. "What are you doing?", Sungchan asked Wonbin.

Wonbin stared at Sungchan before the tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilled down his face. He felt the muscles of his chin trembled and looked towards Sungchan. It is his tears that kept his soul alive in the furnace of the pain that he went through.

Sungchan wiped his tears and approached Wonbin, gave him a warmly hug that Wonbin needed the most. Wonbin sobbed into Sungchan's chest unceasingly, hands clutched at his shirt.

"I'm tired, Sungchan. I'm so tired", Wonbin cried painfully with mixed emotions wrecked inside his head. As much as he tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from his throat in the form of a silent scream.

Sungchan held him in silence, patted Wonbin's back slowly as his tears soaked his chest. A tiny lapse let him pulled away, blinked his lashes heavy with tears before he rest his head on Sungchan's chest.

"Can i just go?",Wonbin asked Sungchan. Sungchan wiped Wonbin's tears with his thumb and locked his hand with Wonbin's.

Sungchan's silent touch managed to comfort Wonbin as if Sungchan bring a warm hope for Wonbin to survive. Sungchan hugged Wonbin tight like he won't let him go. He patted Wonbin's head slowly hoping for Wonbin to be calmer.

"We can get through this, I promise~", Sungchan whispered slowly to Wonbin assuring that he will always by Wonbin's side. Nothing ever happened after that except Wonbin wished for the time to slow down so that he can cherished every moments of them together, together with Sungchan.

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