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T/W:there's abuse scene..if you feel uncomfortable please skip to the next chapter..stay safe ❤️

Wonbin entered his house when he stunned with the sound of a glass shattered on the floor.

"Where have you been you idiot?!",Wonbin couldn't get to answer as his dad's hand hit him until he fell with the force of it. The first slap, two years ago, had been the worst. He hadn't expected him to be so strong but there was weight and strength enough to stun.

"You're drunk,dad", Wonbin tried to talk to his dad ,he wanted to cry as rage filled his belly.

He glared at Wonbin then spat out "WHO'S YOUR DAD?!". He sneers at Wonbin then laughs only adding fuel to his wrath, obviously he's drunk. He again glared at Wonbin with hatred in his cruel dull eyes. "You..you're the one who should die! Not your mom!! You the reason she's gone!".

His dad lowered his body and pulled Wonbin's shirt until their face near each other. "Die!!",he yelled before he started to punched Wonbin's face repeatedly.

Wonbin tried to stop his dad but then he started to feel alien with his own skin. His dad threw his body on the floor before he gave Wonbin a sharp gaze. "Please stop", Wonbin begged with his voice garbled with his cut lips. Fear was evident in his bruised and bloody face.

A devious grin curved on his dad's lips, "What? you tell me to stop? Who the hell you think you are?"

Worry etched the frown lines in Wonbin 's face as ripples of his heartbeat pulsing in his ears. Wonbin tried to crawl to his side when his dad suddenly kicked his body merciless. His kick slammed against Wonbin's ribcage with violence and rage. A sharp of flash anger shot through his veins,

"Die!Die!Die",his dad yelled as his kick getting harder than before.

Wonbin got lost in the wave of emotion that overwhelmed him by the assault. He felt as if a stone was placed on top of his eyes. He closed his eyes and put himself deep in thoughts.

One sentence seems to keep repeating in his head like a mantra, "i deserved it".

For a sliver of a second, his dad stopped and took his bag to look for money. He took some of it and threw the bag to Wonbin's face. "This is not enough!", he said before he walked away leaving Wonbin alone lying on the floor.

Wonbin slowly opened his eyes when he saw his dad walked to his room. He tried to lift his body but he couldn't so he decided to not move ,hoping his wounds will heal faster cause he have school tomorrow. 

He started to feel a tear tried to escape from his eye so he slowly moved his head to prevent the tear from coming. For him, those tears were useless and doesn't mean anything, which he prefer to not having it.

"I should go to sleep", he said to himself then slowly closed his eyes again.

His only wish is for tomorrow to be a good day for him

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