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Wonbin walked inside an apartment to send some delivery foods. As he arrived at the customer's house, he rang the bell so that they know he already arrived. Wonbin waited patiently when then he was shocked when he saw Sion was the one who opened the door.

Sion's eyes widened when he saw Wonbin,

"What are you doing here?", he asked when he saw Wonbin was holding the foods that he ordered before. He quickly took his foods from Wonbin's hand inside then came back to Wonbin.

He took Wonbin's hand and put the money on it, "I don't need the change", he said before he told Wonbin to go away from there.

Wonbin was surprised and also confused at the same time. He then walked to the elevator but then he quickly hid when he saw Sion's friends walked out from the lift. They were chattering and laughing until they reached Sion's house.

Wonbin quickly ran into the elevator so that they wont see him but when he's inside the elevator ,he began perplexed about himself. Seeing Sion and his friends laughing happily making him realized how much he miss to have a friend. 

He always want to have at least one person who can accompany him wherever he go, always be by his side or basically to be the one who listen to him anytime anywhere. He kept on thinking of it until he finished his work.

When he walked out from his workplace, he saw Sungchan was standing outside while playing with his phone. Wonbin approached Sungchan and tapped his shoulder making him surprised as he didn't realized Wonbin was there.

"Owh i didn't realized you're here",Sungchan said while kept his phone inside his pocket. Wonbin didn't answered, he just kept on staring at Sungchan.

"Why? Do you miss me?",Sungchan said to Wonbin tried to tease him. Wonbin took a deep breath then looked back at Sungchan, "Be my friend", he said to Sungchan.

Sungchan was dumbstruck with Sungchan's sudden confession but then he laughed. "Why are you laughing?",Wonbin asked him.

Sungchan wiped a tear that came out from his eye then smiled at Wonbin, "I thought we already become boyfriends", he said to Wonbin then grinned.

Wonbin put his hand on his waist,he felt like Sungchan didnt take him seriously. "If you don't want, then fine", Wonbin said then walked away before Sungchan ran quickly followed him.

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