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Wonbin was wandering at the rooftop, he still felt embarassed from the previous incident. "Should i call him? Or should i just wait for him to come to me..i mean he will come to me isn't he?",he talked to himself.

He was wandering around when then a bag hit him on his head making him fall to the ground.

"Ouch",Wonbin anguished in pain as he watched a group of boys were coming to him. "You been busy lately, aren't you?", Sion said to Wonbin.

A chime of savage laughter from the boys as one of them started to lower his body at the same level as Wonbin's. "Do you know we miss you so much?", Ryu said while slapped Wonbin's face.

Wonbin tried to hold his pain, tried to act strong even though it hurts. "You're boring dude", Ryu mocked Wonbin before he stood and kicked Wonbin's body.

They were all laughing as if they're watching some comedy series from the Tv. But then, they were interrupted when a guy ran to them.

"Binnie, what are you doing here?", Sungchan approached Wonbin and helped him to stand, ignoring those stares that he got from the boys. "Who the heck is he?", Ryu asked his friends which they don't have any idea of Sungchan except for Sion who started to act different.

Ryu turned to Sungchan,

"Who are-"

"Dont",Sion stopped Ryu's hand as his hand almost hit Sungchan.

Ryu looked at Sion with his furious face then released his hand, "What the heck are you doing?", he complained to Sion. Sion sighed then moved closer to Ryu, "Don't touch him or you might regret it", he whispered to Ryu then patted his back before he walked away from there.

All of the boys including Ryu looked confused but then they ran away tried to catch-up with Sion.Wonbin felt clueless especially when he noticed that Sion's face changed as soon as he saw Sungchan.

"Are you okay?",Sungchan's question making Wonbin get back to his senses. "Urm..im..im fine", Wonbin started to feel awkward as the thought of the incident came to his head.

He tried to avoid eye contact but his eyes shifted to Sungchan's lips which not helping at all.

"Dammit",Wonbin cursed inside his head then looked elsewhere. "Are you sure you okay cause i saw that guy kick-"

"I'm fine", Wonbin interrupted him because he's not okay right now. Not because of Ryu, but because of the person who standing in front of him at that time.

Wonbin looked at Sungchan as guilt started to engulf him. "Am i too harsh? He tried to make sure im fine.. i should ask something to make me feel better", Thoughts kept on playing inside his head.

Sungchan still looking at him making Wonbin felt uncomfortable.He cleared his throat then looked directly at Sungchan's eyes,

"Why..why you didn't answer my call yesterday?",he asked.

"At least i can make him feel bad",he thought.

Sungchan's face changed when he heard that but then he grinned and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I..i fell asleep last night..im sorry",he apologized to Wonbin.

Wonbin nodded then walked away before Sungchan held his hand to stop him. "Where are you going?", he asked the smaller.

"I.. i have nothing to do here", he stuttered while explaining himself to Sungchan.

Besides, he wanted to run away because he started to feel the heat travelling on his cheeks. His head kept on asking him to ask Sungchan about the incident but his heart stopped him so that he wont humiliate himself.

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