
398 13 5

T/W: contain abuse, suicidal ideation and bully scene, please skip if you might feel uncomfortable

Wonbin put his money inside his bag and when back home hurriedly hoping that he won't met his father. Unfortunately his father already at home, at the living room waiting for him to come back.

As soon as he walked in, he closed the door and quickly ran to the stairs before his dad ran to him and pulled his body. "Where the heck you think you're going?!",he slammed Wonbin's body to the wall until he fell on the floor.

Wonbin anguished in pain as he felt dizzy after his head hit the wall. His dad kneeled then put his hand inside Wonbin's pocket while Wonbin tried to push his hands away.

"Where is it? Where is the money?!",his dad yelled to him. Wonbin kept on pushing his dad's hand away when his dad suddenly slapped him repeatedly. Wonbin started to feel weak as he stopped resisting and begged his dad to stop.

"Do you think I'm gonna listen to you?!",his dad yelled before his slap turned into a fist. He punched Wonbin's face until Wonbin's head laid on the floor helplessly. His dad took Wonbin's bag and began searching for his money while Wonbin tried to hold his tears, the tears that he cant even describe.

"Dont you dare hide your money from me!", his dad took the money then slapped it to Wonbin's face before he walked away leaving Wonbin alone.

- -

"Wonbin,are you okay?What happen to you?", one of the coworker asked Wonbin.

Wonbin covered his face with his cap, "Nothing,its just i have been into a fight last night", he replied.

His manager walked passed them and heard their conversation. He then approached Wonbin, "Wonbin, can I talk to you for a while ?",he asked.

Wonbin nodded then both of them walked to the corner. "I hope you stop coming to work with this condition. I don't really like it when you said you've been into a fight. I mean i have to take care our restaurant's reputation. People might judged badly especially when they see you looking like this", the manager explained to him.

"I'm so sorry sir. I promised i wont let this happen anymore", Wonbin apologized.

"I hope you keep your promise cause you always came here with that kind of....face", the manager said while portrayed his dissatisfaction. "Again I'm so sorry sir. I will make sure this won't happen again", Wonbin apologized while worried that he might lose his job.

"Ok then, you have to do delivery today. At least our customers won't see your face", the manager ordered Wonbin. "Thank you sir", Wonbin thanked him and bowed to him before the manager walked away from there.

- -

Wonbin parked his motorcycle and took the elevator to the level 13 of the apartment. When he arrived, he rang the doorbell when the owner of the house opened it as soon as he heard the bell.

"Here's your deli..",Wonbin stopped as soon as his eyes turned to the familiar face. "Is that you Wonbin?!",the guy said to him. His voice attracted his friends which they all walked to the door to check on him.

Wonbin tried to avoid his gaze,he cant believe he's at Rue's house,one of Sion's friends. He have no choice except to take his money and ran away from there. "All $21",Wonbin said while his eyes looked at Sion and his gang before he looked back to the ground.

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