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T/ N:contain abuse scene..please skip if it can make u feel uncomfortable

Wonbin woke up early and hurriedly went back to his home to avoid meeting his father. When he entered his room, he took his things and quickly ran out from his house. On his way to his school, he received a message from Sungchan on his cellphone.

Sungchan:meet me at the park after work

Wonbin read the message and smiled before he arrived at his school.

_ _

After work, Wonbin went to the park that he supposed to meet Sungchan there. He saw Sungchan waved at him so he ran approached the taller. Sungchan smiled widely but then his smile faded when he saw a bruise below the corner of Wonbin's left eye.

He held Wonbin's face, "what is this binnie?", he asked Wonbin.

Wonbin pushed Sungchan's hand as he felt awkward with Sungchan's sudden touch then let out an awkward smile, "One of Sion's friends hit me but I managed to escape", he replied followed by a laugh.

Sungchan felt worried but a sense of relief came inside him when he saw Wonbin's smile. He didn't realized that he was fixated on Wonbin's plump lips, he had been having those thoughts since yesterday which Sungchan came back to his senses when he heard Wonbin calling his name. 

"Why do you want to meet me?" Wonbin asked. Sungchan smiled before one of his butler came to both of them, he brought some foods that Sungchan ordered him before he excused himself.

"Where did he come from?",Wonbin was surprised with the butler sudden appearance as he recognized that man from before, during his first visit to Sungchan's house. He looked at the butler who entered a car then the car drove away from the park.

"Let's eat together", Sungchan said to Wonbin before they both sat on a mat that Sungchan had prepared. Wonbin nodded shyly even though he already eaten at his workplace, he had some leftovers before he met Sungchan. He thanked Sungchan and they both ate together while chattered about themselves before both of them started to continue eating while staring at the view of the lake infront of them.

"its very nice",Sungchan began the conversation. Wonbin wiped his mouth and turned to him, waited for Sungchan to finish his words.

"I really enjoy this picnic date",Sungchan said before he turned his head to look at Wonbin's eyes directly and smiled. Wonbin felt something triggered him inside so he avoided eye contact and turned his head back to the lake, he didn't realized his face already flushing red.

They both stared back in front before Sungchan tapped Wonbin's shoulder to get his attention. Wonbin looked at Sungchan with his curiousity enraged inside him.

"Do you prefer truth or lies?", Sungchan asked. Wonbin thought for a while then chose, "Truth", he answered.

Sungchan portrayed his annoyed face after he heard Wonbin's response,"boring", he replied.

Wonbin raised his eyebrows, "what? lies can kill people", he responded to Sungchan, tried to defend his decision. Sungchan shrugged," not for me", he replied.

Sungchan turned his body facing Wonbin before he pinched Wonbin's cheek. Wonbin felt annoyed so he pushed Sungchan's hand making Sungchan laughed at Wonbin's reaction, "Sometimes lies can save people that you love", Sungchan answered.

Wonbin laughed as soon as he heard Sungchan, "Are you in living in romantic clichés dramas?", he made a statement to mock Sungchan.

Sungchan smiled slightly at Wonbin even though deep down he really mean it. Both of them turned back their body in front and stared at the view of the lake, wondered what they will do when they're under the water.

_ _

Wonbin entered his house when a force suddenly pushed him until his body slammed at the wall till he fell on the floor. "Where have you been?!",his father yelled at Wonbin.

He lowered his body then choked Wonbin's neck, "Do you think you can run away from me, huh?!", he shouted at Wonbin's face before he punched Wonbin's face repeatedly.

Wonbin didn't even responded or even attempted to release himself, making his father started to get annoyed. His father stopped punching Wonbin before he kicked Wonbin's body for a last time and pointed his finger to him, "I will never let you live freely, remember that!", his father warned Wonbin and walked away from there.

Wonbin stayed still for a while before he slowly moved his body, he tried to sit and then slowly lifted his body until he managed to stand. He took his bag and walked carefully as his body was stung in pain after the beating.

Suddenly, he realized his phone was ringing as a message was sent to him. He sat on the bed and read the message that he get from Sungchan,

Sungchan:Good night binnie

Wonbin smiled as soon as he read the message, all the pain that he felt from the beating suddenly started to fade as a sense of happiness engulfed in him. He replied Sungchan's message then hugged his phone before he lie on the bed until he fall asleep.

Wonbin:u too

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