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T/W:contain rape scene..please skip if it can make you feel uncomfortable

Sungchan walked upstairs to his room but when he opened his door, he froze. He was stunned as he looked at the person who was sitting on his bed.

"Come in",Jeno ordered as his eyes looked directly towards him. Sungchan held the doorknob tightly, hoping that he can disappear at that time.

"Come here Sungchan",Jeno called him again and this time, his tone is a bit deeper, probably annoyed. Sungchan gulped then entered his room while Jeno approached him while locked the door.

"You know i miss you so much", Jeno told Sungchan. He held Sungchan's shoulder then hugged him before he gave a peck on Sungchan's cheek. He noticed Sungchan tried to avoid eye contact with him so he held Sungchan's chin,

"Where have you been?",he asked. Jeno raised Sungchan's chin to look at him but Sungchan's eyes looked elsewhere.

"Are you trying to ignore me?",Jeno asked. Sungchan didn't answered him, he even pushed Jeno's hand and released himself. Sungchan wanted to open the door before Jeno pulled and hugged him from the back.

"You shouldn't act like this Sungchan, i felt hurt with your attitude", he said with his voice started to change showing that he's getting mad.

"Let go of me",Sungchan tried to release himself from Jeno's grip.

"How dare you-"

"Jeno! Sungchan!",Jeno was interrupted when they heard voices coming from downstairs. Sungchan pushed Jeno away and quickly ran out from his room. He went downstairs and greeted his parents happily followed by Jeno.

"I miss you so much",Taeyong hugged both his sons."I thought both of you will come back next week",Jeno said to his parents.

Jaehyun laughed, "We supposed to but Bubu missed his sons so much", he told Jeno.

"Come give me another hug", Taeyong pulled Jeno for a hug as Jeno patted softly his back, "I miss you too Bubu", he told Bubu while Sungchan looked at him in disbelief.

"Fake",Sungchan cursed inside his head. "Lets have dinner together, i really missed family dinner", Jeno suggested.

Their parents agreed and walked to the kitchen while Sungchan wanted to go back to his room before Jeno held his hand to stop him.

"You should join us if you love your father", Jeno threatened Sungchan followed by a smirk. Sungchan tried to hold his anger so he pushed Jeno's hand then walked away from there.

- -

"Owh i miss Korean foods so much",Taeyong said to Jaehyun then laughed. "So you miss Korean foods more than me?",Jeno teased his Bubu causing him to laugh at his son's joke, "Of course not, i miss you more", he pinched Jeno's nose and smiled.

Three of them were chattering happily except for Sungchan who didn't join their conversation. "Son, are you okay?", Jaehyun asked Sungchan as he doesn't even talked much, although he always acted and behaved that way.

Sungchan nodded, doesn't even looked at his father and continue eating. Jaehyun started to get pissed off with his son's attitude.

"Jung Sungchan! Manners!", he scolded Sungchan before Taeyong and Jeno calmed him. "Its okay,as long as he's fine", Bubu tried to comfort his husband.

"Sungchan went swimming just now, he must be very tired",Jeno explained, trying to back him up although he knows he just acted so that they wont suspect him of anything.

Jaehyun took a deep breath then let out a smile assuring he's fine. Deep down he's so disappointed with Sungchan as his son haven't changed his attitude since the day he's married to Taeyong. He do understand that Sungchan must be struggled a lot especially when they have to leave US and for Sungchan to be adapt to his new surroundings, it can be a new challenge for him.

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