Chapter 1

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"Oh my god, it's so hot!" Xia Chuan unlocked the door using his keys and kicked it open. While taking off his jersey, he walked over to the air conditioner to cool himself down.

"You went to play basketball again?" Jiang Xuehang who was sitting at the desk pushed up his glasses and stared at the two men who just entered.

Su Ming, who was also wearing a jersey, pulled the key out of the doorknob and placed it on Xia Chuan's desk. "Better not lose it again."

"Thank you, Brother Mingming~" While enjoying the cool breeze, Xia Chuan narrowed his eyes and shot a smirk to Su Ming. When he finally started to cool down, he went over to harass Jiang Xuehang instead. "The top student isn't studying in the library today?"

Xia Chuan was half-naked and his face was covered in sweat, but he still rubbed himself stickily on Jiang Xuehang's body. Jiang Xuehang didn't get angry at him, and even explained with a good temper, "Nothing much was going on today, so I was just doing some casual reading in the room."

"Reading? You were reading 'Grimm's Fairy Tales' last time, right?" Xia Chuan grabbed the book from Jiang Xuehang's hands. "'Giovanni's Room'? Never heard of it!" He flipped through a few pages but couldn't find anything interesting from it. Instead, he managed to glimpse from the corner of his eyes that Su Ming was just about to grab a change of clothes. He quickly threw the book aside, grabbed his shampoo and shower gel, and rushed into the bathroom. "Me first!"

Xia Chuan turned the water up to the max and hummed a tune while he scrubbed himself clean. After drying himself off with a towel, he prepared to head out with his dick hanging out. But right when he was about to pull the bolt on the door, that "thing" that happened not long ago suddenly came to mind. With that sudden thought, he squatted down to dispel the goosebumps that had risen up all over his body.

In the end, the door was opened to a tiny slit. Xia Chuan was hiding behind it, racking his brains out.

Very good, the target Su Ming is playing games with his headphones on, and he's not looking this way at all.

Xia Chuan lowered his voice and called out to Jiang Xuehang, who was closest, and asked him to bring a clean T-shirt and a pair of shorts over.

"Don't you usually just come out without clothes on?" Jiang Xuehang eyed Xia Chuan who was hiding behind the door suspiciously.

"People get shy at times too~" Xie Chuan pretended to be bashful as he took the clothes. He quickly put his clothes on and strode out of the bathroom.

He quickly reached the lights, and the room was left in a state of darkness. Xia Chuan leaned on his pillow and used his laptop to browse through the hot posts on Hupu[1].

"If Gao ○○ and Zhen Jingwen both confessed to you at the same time, who would you choose? Heheheh, it's so hard to choose! Can I just have both?!"

"What do I do if my GF likes reading BL? Shit! What're girls reading all that stuff for? They should get married and have kids while they're still young."

"How would you guys rate my sister? Let me see...She looks pretty good. Old rules, 10 if she's up to fuck, 0 if she's not, hahaha."

They were clearly just copy-pastas of the same stuff over and over again, but Xia Chuan was still amused.

"Actress D hot sexy dance image set! This is good, this is good!" Xia Chuan quickly opened up the post to admire. But before he could finish, he started to get a reaction down there.

Ever since "that" happened, he felt grossed out every time he touched little junior. It's been so long since he had a jerk, but today...

He stretched his neck out of the curtain and looked around: Good boy Jiang Xuehang had already put down his book and was getting ready to sleep, Xu Ming was still working on something below, while the other bed was empty as usual. If he tried to do that secretly right now, he definitely wouldn't be found out.

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