Chapter 8

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Xia Chuan was cooking instant luosifen[1] noodles on the induction cooker in the dorm when he suddenly heard a knock on the door. He opened the door, perplexed, and saw a tall and slim guy standing outside. His slightly longer hair was bundled up into a refreshing ponytail, and underneath his exquisitely-sculpted eyebrows were a pair of cold eyes.

"Shang Yuzhong? Why're you back?" Xia Chuan moved to the side to allow him to enter.

As soon as Shang Yuzhong smelled the room, he wanted to vomit. "Are you cooking shit in the dorm?"

Xia Chuan couldn't stand people insulting his luosifen the most, so he picked up the cooked noodles in a huff, bringing it in front of Shang Yuzhong, and forced him to try a bite. "It tastes really good!"

Shang Yuzhong was forced into a corner by him, so with a frown, he could only take one reluctant bite, and chewed.

"It's good, right?"


"Then finish the whole bowl."

"Seriously, can you please take it away?"

After spending much effort to send Xia Chuan away, Shang Yuzhong went to his own desk and put down his bag to unpack.

"Oh right," Xia Chuan talked to him while eating his noodles, "Some chick came to the dorm to look for you last time, a real pretty looking one."

"Pretty looking? Which one?" He responded absent-mindedly.

Hearing that, Xia Chuan was nearly angered to death. This damn riajuu! Blast him to shreds!

" know the one! That girl with the super long legs, long hair...she's also quite rude!"

Shang Yuzhong thought about it for a while. "Xue Yuejia, you mean? Don't even mention her, thinking about her gives me a headache."

A headache??? Excuse me??? God knows how many sweet dreams she gave Xia Chuan after he looked at her that day!

But the other man did actually look rather annoyed. With a pack of Marlboros in hand, he headed for the balcony.

Xia Chuan looked at him, mystified for a moment, and continued eating his noodles. After he was done, he quickly washed his bowl and opened the window to ventilate the room.

But even so, Su Ming could still smell the striking, sour stench of his noodles as soon as he came in, and he couldn't hold back from interrogating him. "You're eating that MSG-filled thing again?"

Even though he knew he was just saying this out of concern, knowing that Shang Yuzhong was still in the balcony, he must have heard him being scolded like a child. Xia Chuan was annoyed. "And what rights do you have to control what I eat?"

"What rights..." Su Ming lowered his voice. "What if I say I'm exerting my rights as your man?"

"You..." Xia Chuan was just about to lose his temper on him but the other party had already leaned closer to him and looked at him with his deep, unblinking gaze. At this moment, there seemed to be dark clouds over his shapely features. "As long as the photos are still in my hands...You, are mine."

At this moment, the creaking sound of the balcony door being opened could be heard, and the smell of tobacco mixed in with menthol fluttered into the room. Shang Yuzhong came in with a meaningful smile, but they did not know whether he heard them.

"Is it that surprising to see me? Oh, I forgot to tell you earlier, I'll be staying in the dorms for now."

In the afternoon, the basketball team was doing their dribbling practice again. Under the heat of the scorching sun, Xia Chuan was dribbling the ball absent-mindedly. When he broke through to the last line of defense on the other side, he suddenly met the gaze of Su Ming who was standing with the rest of his teammates. But suddenly, the ball was gone. His opponent had already snatched the ball away from him, and by the time he turned back to look, Su Ming had already turned around.

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