Chapter 22

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Except for Shang Yuzhong, everyone else on the scene was stunned.

Nobody expected him to reveal his relationship with Xia Chuan so suddenly.

What's more, Xia Chuan never even approved of this dubious man x man relationship. He roared, "Xue Yuejia! I can explain!!!" But when he said that, Xue Yuejia had already run away while sobbing.

Xia Chuan, "..." Is this the same girl who almost beat up the teacher this morning?

He grabbed the collar of Shang Yuzhong's pullover hoodie and shouted in exasperation, "What the fuck! What the fuck is wrong with you, Shang Yuzhong?! What the fuck are you saying! What if someone misunderstands?!"

Even though he was being glared at so closely, Shang Yuzhong's face still did not show any reaction. He narrowed his dewy peach blossom eyes and said, "What are you so worried about? I've been fucking your pussy so much I could almost break it, and you even begged me to screw you last time while crying! What sort of misunderstanding are you so afraid of?"

"Shut up!" Jiang Xuehang stepped in front of Xia Chuan and landed a nice punch right at Shang Yuzhong's temple.

Shang Yuzhong's head was thrown to the side from the impact and he could hear his ears buzzing. In the next second, he lunged forward and threw his elbow at Jiang Xuehang's face, and the protruding bone of his elbow just happened to hit his nose bridge, sweeping his glasses onto the ground.

Su Ming swept a cool glance at the two who ended up fighting again and stuffed one of the luggage bags he was holding into Xia Chuan's hands. "Let's just go."

Very naturally, he took Xia Chuan's left hand with his now freed hand but his grip was so strong that Xia Chuan's palm began to hurt. Su Ming had to grit his teeth hard just so he could endure the rage of having his belongings openly proclaimed to be someone else's.

After a few more blows at each other's faces, Jiang Xuehang and Shang Yuzhong finally realized that Su Ming had already gone far away with Xia Chuan. Jiang Xuehang wiped the blood off his nose messily and leaned down to pick his glasses back up, putting them back on. Shang Yuzhong did not continue either. Resentful, he leaned against the wall, watching Xia Chuan's back.

They all know how unsightly it was for them to fight like this, but even if they hate it, the partnership has already been established. If you want Xia Chuan, then you have to put up with the other two.

They rested without saying anything to each other for a while before catching up to the other two.

It was just a short few-minute drive from S Uni to the apartment they rented, and it only took twenty minutes on foot to reach. This was a relatively new apartment complex, and the environment there was considered the best around the university area at this moment, and it was also very accessible. The four of them took the elevator up to the 18th floor. Since the place was a duplex-style apartment, they actually had to go up to the 36th floor.

As soon as the door was open, Xia Chuan's eyes were drawn to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room. Due to how high up they were and the lack of absence of buildings blocking their view around the area, they had a wide view of the outside. From the garden in the neighborhood to the bustling overpasses in the distances, he could see all of it. It was a beautiful day and the sunlight came in through the spotless glass, illuminating the room with exceptional brilliance.

"This really is a pretty nice place." Xia Chuan took his shoes off and sat down on the dark leather sofa, testing the softness. He never was one to care about his living environment, so it really did prove how satisfied he was with this room for him to say so. But then, another even more pressing question came to mind. "Wouldn't the rent be very expensive?"

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