Chapter 9

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In the coming days, Xia Chuan practically wanted to hug Shang Yuzhong's thighs and call him daddy. Ever since he returned, those two dogs in the dorm that would randomly go on heat finally had to stop. Instead, he would now get a lot of resentful glances from them.

Even though he wished he could stick to Shang Yuzhong while eating and going to class as well, Xia Chuan knew this was impossible. Shang Yuzhong was too cold, you could hardly pry a response from him. He would also have that constant impatient look on his face when he was looking at other people. Even so, the girls who were into him would still be able to line up from room 2 all the way to the law school's campus.

And it's only with the girls he's kinda interested in would you ever see Shang Yuzhong talk to them with a little more spirit in him. Whenever he's not back at the dorms at night, he'll definitely be out at the love hotel with a girl.

That pretty girl called Xue Yuejia came several times to look for Shang Yuzhong again and even familiarized herself with Xia Chuan and his other two roommates. As soon as she saw them, they'd rush over to them, asking them to bring him out. Otherwise, she wouldn't leave. But Xia Chuan couldn't do anything about it if that guy's hiding upstairs, so he had no choice but to chat with the girl for a while. Only then did he find out that Xue Yuejia and Shang Yuzhong's parents were business partners. At the end of the day, they just wanted to play matchmaker for their two children. At first, she was quite against the idea. That was until...she saw Shang Yuzhong's photo and found out he looked like her favorite Shaw from X Idol Group. And after meeting him in real life, even his cool demeanor was similar.

For a wealthy young lady who had only ever been chased after by other people, she has since put down her dignity to chase after Shang Yuzhong. She even transferred over to S University by pulling some strings, all so she could find more chances to get close to him.

Hearing that, Xia Chuan was practically about to keel over from crying in the bathroom. To think he didn't even want a 10/10 girl with the looks, the body, and the money...Who on earth does Shang Yuzhong want to date then? Liu Yifei?

After heading back to the dorm he began telling Xue Yuejia's story to Shang Yuzhong with some added spice, making her sound like some kind of Juliet character waiting for him under the male dormitory through rain and storm. On the other end, Shang Yuzhong responded without even raising his head. "Yep, she's crazy."

In that instant, the world within Xia Chuan's heart could no longer be described as a mere collapse. His morals, values, and integrity he had painstakingly built were simply destroyed in an instant by a volcanic eruption just like what happened in Pompeii.

Crazy??? Shang Yuzhong actually called Xue Yuejia crazy???? If there were crazy people that cute, I'd want a dozen of them!!!

Su Ming and Jiang Xuehang on the other side were grinding their teeth with their involuntary vegetarianism, while Shang Yuzhong was over here burning with a headache. He was an extremely self-sufficient person who lived outside just to avoid any interference by other people. After finding out about his address, Xue Yuejia would often wait outside his door and turn over his trash. She would also send him bloody letters, voodoo dolls, and whatnot, then she'd also post up pictures she had secretly taken of him onto S University's BBS board. It simply disgusted him. He thought that he would be able to make her lay off a little by moving back to the dorms, but that failed, unexpectedly. Not just that, he even got the buy 1 free 1 offer extra Xia Chuan who was just as annoying.

How could he get these people to leave him alone by themselves? Shang Yuzhong's good-looking brows were knitted into a frown. He combed through his hair with his slender fingers and the hair that was currently unbound slid past his fingers down to a rest at his shoulders. The flow of his silky hair gave off a nice luster that was just like that of satin.

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