Chapter 6

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For a university student in excellent physical condition, fevers come and go pretty easily. Xia Chuan's fever went down in just the second day, and he was able to jump around again like usual. Even though that embarrassing part below still felt a little tingly at times, it was still tolerable.

He went downstairs to pick up a delivery and upon opening up the package, he found out that it was the Huayan CET-4 past exam questions he ordered a few days ago. There was less than a month to go till the Band 4 and Band 6 CET[1]. If he doesn't start praying now, he won't be able to make it in time.

This was Xia Chuan's fourth time taking the Band 4 test. During his first run, he was still able to piggyback on what he learned in his high school English lessons and score a decent 425 out of 710 marks. But when it came down to it, he was daydreaming and didn't hear his teacher's reminder. Only after he was over the listening section did he realize he forgot to fill in the answers, and his blank answer sheet was passed up just like that. The second time he took the CET-4, he didn't prepare at all. He went into the examination hall brimming with confidence, just to be completely mystified when he saw the test papers. All the words looked familiar, but he couldn't recognize a single one of them.

With those past memories haunting him he ended up buying all the past Band 4 papers, mock tests, vocabulary, writing, and complete textbooks this time, shoving them all into his backpack, and headed for the library.

Even though the learning atmosphere of the library was pretty strong, he still couldn't help himself from dozing off, and even played games on his phone from time to time. In these few days, besides sleeping, he spent most of his time in the library, but the results of his learning was shockingly meager.

But he was quite satisfied with this. At the very least, he was able to avoid spending time with those two gays from his dorm.

Though his plan to beat the shit out of Jiang Xuehang was put on hold indefinitely.

One night, when he returned to the dorm with his backpack, he actually saw Su Ming and Jiang Xuehang talking. You couldn't call it a pleasant exchange, but they weren't at each other's throats like last time.

When he saw Xia Chuan staring at them, Su Ming smiled, and the usual gentle look returned to his face. "Xia Chuan, I made up with Xuehang."

"That's good." Xia Chuan put his bag down and began playing on his phone.

"You can still continue treating us as your buddies."

Hearing that, Xia Chuan's eyes lit up, and he raised his head, waiting expectantly for him to continue.

"We won't force you in the future since you hate it so much." Su Ming sounded very sincere.

Jiang Xuehang said with an apologetic expression, "Xia Chuan, I'm very sorry for what I did to you...Can we still be friends?"

Even though Xia Chuan still felt uneasy around him, that was still something he had been hoping to hear for a while now. "Of course! You promise?"

Jiang Xuehang pushed up his rimless glasses and revealed a beautiful and faintly bashful smile like that of a girl's. "Promise."

Xia Chuan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and he didn't go out of his way to ignore them like he did the past few days. Both of them were his best friends in university, it really did make him feel very upset when their friendship deteriorated that way.

They got a lot of food in the dormitory that evening. Xia Chuan was gnawing on his favorite Zhou Hei Ya roasted duck while chatting with the two.

"Aren't the marriage and inheritance laws written on the textbooks? A marriage must be between a man and a woman! I can even recite the part about the homosexuals: Not only is homosexuality the downfall of society's morals, it is one of the main pathways of AIDS transmission! You two better not be led astray."

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