Chapter 32

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After all, it was his first time lactating and there wasn't much stored up in his breasts. With the way they gobbled it up, it didn't take them more than a few gulps to finish it all. But when the supply grew less and less, they finally realized they had to savor it carefully. They would swirl the milk around their mouths each time to let the taste spread through their taste buds before swallowing. But them taking small sips this way undoubtedly prolonged Xia Chuan's agony, causing him to suffer each and every second from having his nipples sucked on constantly.

He turned his head subconsciously, hoping someone would come to his rescue. His wet gaze happened to meet Jiang Xuehang's eyes, but instead of arousing the latter's compassion, the distress signal made him even harder. Jiang Xuehang rested his knee on the bed and seized Xia Chuan's chin with his right hand, kissing him fiercely. His mind was still feeling anxious from his inability to obtain the milk he so wished for. His actions were also very rough.

First, he nibbled on Xia Chuan's tongue as if he wanted to eat it all up, and after sucking on it for a while, he thrust his tongue deep into his throat, tasting him.

After losing the warm milky taste, the only thing left behind was desire and an aggressive need to monopolize. Xia Chuan cursed vaguely and tried to push Jiang Xuehang, but his wrist was caught. Then his hand was guided lower down and his pants were removed. The man manipulated his fingers, bringing them to his honey hole and massaging it through the thin layer that was his underwear. The sweet juices oozing from his hole had already soaked the fabric through, and you could practically squeeze the juice out just by pressing on it. With his wrist caught by the other man, his each and every move was being controlled by Jiang Xuehang. Even though the fingers were his own, being touched on his sensitive parts this way bore a very distinct sensation.

His milk had long been sucked dry but Su Ming was still stubbornly suckling on his nipple. While sucking hard, he massaged his left breast in an attempt to squeeze out every last drop of milk. On the other end, Shang Yuzhong was carefully liking away the traces of fluids that had flowed down the side of his chest, refusing to waste any of it.

It was a bitter feeling having two men stubbornly asking his empty breasts for more milk. Xia Chuan grunted in impatience and pushed hard on Su Ming's head. "Get your damn head away from me!"

Obediently, Su Ming moved away, licking the traces of milk left on his lips in a meaningful manner as he stared straight at Xia Chuan.

Xia Chuan was speechless. "...I don't have any milk for you even if you look at me like that...No wait, who said I'm gonna give you milk in the first place!"

"That's right, the milk is for the baby." Shang Yuzhong raised his head as well and smelled the lingering fragrance by Xia Chuan's nape with infatuation. "I'm the baby's father, so just take it as me tasting the milk for the baby in advance."

Dissatisfied at Xia Chuan's focus having been snatched away, Jiang Xuehang gave his clit a strong nudge using his fingers. Xia Chuan was just about to complain about Shang Yuzhong but was unable to stop a moan from leaking out. The bewitching sound of his voice almost brought the three men to the point of nosebleeds. They surrounded Xia Chuan with an unprecedented sense of tacit understanding, just like predators measuring up the prey that fell into their trap.

Their gazes scared Xia Chuan, but he couldn't find any energy left in him to think about how he was going to escape from his current situation-Jiang Xuehang was holding his hand and rubbing it all over his bulging mound as the stains of his underwear were growing larger and larger. A sticky and transparent liquid had even begun flowing down his thighs. Under Jiang Xuehang's guidance, he pulled his underwear to the side with a finger, revealing the tender, red, and moist fuckhole. Under the fiery male gaze, the hole quivered out of fear, yet a few drops of nectar spilled from it again as if it had been set ablaze.

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