Chapter 2

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The next morning, Xia Chuan returned to his dorm with breakfast for three.

Su Ming looked at him as if he was an alien. "Is the sun coming out from the wrong side today?"

Xia Chuan rolled his eyes at him while chewing on his jianbing[1]. "It's normal for me to get up this early, okay?"

God knows what sort of mental journey he went on this morning. After coming out from the bathroom, Xia Chuan could no longer sleep. He waited for the dorm caretaker to open the door and rushed out. He had intended to consult with the doctors in the school clinic, but after some thought, he would most likely be sent to the dissection table of the nation's Supernatural Research Institute with his condition. Due to his lack of willingness to offer himself up for the scientific advancement of his motherland, Xia Chuan resolutely turned around and headed to Happy Food House.

Since he didn't have class today, Xia Chuan ate his breakfast slowly while he wondered what he was going to do from now on.

His other roommate was staying outside for the long-term, so the ones he spent the most time with were his roommates Su Ming and Jiang Xuehang.

Su Ming was your standard riajuu, the one with the well-defined model face. Rumors say he's pretty popular with the girls, and there are even girls who would secretly say that he looked pretty naughty when he laughed. But Su Ming's character couldn't be better in Xia Chuan's eyes. From what he could remember, he had never seen him get angry and he had always taken good care of him. His family were C city locals, so they would bring Xia Chuan out to play from time to time. Under his strong recommendations, Xia Chuan had also entered the school basketball team with him. Xia Chuan was a pretty careless guy, and forgetful to boot. If not for Su Ming helping him out, he would've turned his life into a mess a long time ago...In short, Su Ming is one of his most trusted buddies in university.

Jiang Xuehang, on the other hand, was one of those school tyrants[2] who entered S Uni with his unbelievably high test scores. With his results, even getting into Z Uni would be no problem, but by a strange combination of circumstances, he made a mistake while filling in his college aspirations form, and ended up becoming roommates with school trash Xia Chuan. The first time he met him, Xia Chuan didn't know about the huge gap in their college entrance examination results. Instead, he was very impressed by his delicately pale skin and his exquisite appearance. "If you were to turn into a girl, you'd definitely be the Chen Buling[3] or the Milky-chan[4] type! If that happens, don't forget to show your brothers a good time, hahahahaha..." Jiang Xuehang responded to this with a gentle smile. He didn't get angry at all.

Xia Chuan was stunned by the relationship he had between these two and wondered whether he should tell them about it. Even after thinking about it for a while, he still couldn't decide. So, in a fit of self abandon, he played "My Ex-girlfriend, Current Girlfriend, and I" instead.

This was a puzzle game that revolved around the protagonist and his two cute girlfriends. Since he hadn't officially broken up with the so-called "ex-girlfriend" yet, she was only a fake ex-girlfriend. The current girlfriend, on the other hand, was gentle and considerate, which made it even harder for the protagonist to give her up. So, the protagonist had to carefully date the two at the same time, while also avoiding the tragedy of them fighting.

Xia Chuan had actually beaten the game long ago, but he hadn't gotten an ending he was satisfied with yet-None of the girls break up with the protagonist, and instead, they keep on fighting with each other over him in secret. While thinking about this delightful scene, Xia Chuan was practically drooling.

After answering a call, Su Ming said he had some things to do with the Student Council and quickly left, leaving only two behind.

"Ahem, um...Xia Chuan..."

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