Chapter 33

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Xia Chuan has been very troubled recently.

With the increasing amount of milk he was producing each time, he would wake up every morning feeling swollen and painful around his chest. The fabric in front of his chest would also be stained with white milk. Even though all the milk accumulated overnight would be sucked empty by whoever came to wake him up, he was really worried that he would have trouble sleeping in the night because of this fullness.

The morning a few days later, he woke up in a daze while clutching onto his blanket. Sure enough, he noticed that his chest was swollen like crazy. The two hard points rose and fell as he breathed, and the discomfort was completely impossible to ignore. Just by sitting up, the milk seemed to slosh within his chest as if it would flow out from the slightest squeeze.

What to do? Xia Chuan left the warmth of his blanket and looked out the door hesitantly.

Should he go to the bathroom and deal with it himself?

Just thinking about having to squeeze the milk out himself made Xia Chuan feel so ashamed that he wanted to slam his head into a wall.

After much hesitation, he entered Su Ming's room gingerly.

The young man laying on the bed was still deep asleep. His lean body lay wrapped underneath his blanket, and the warm light from the corridor softened his deep silhouette.

But now was not the time to be admiring his sleeping face. Xia Chuan walked to the bed, his each and every step wrought with hesitation. In the end, he still sat down by Su Ming's pillow and gently shook him by the shoulder.

The man opened his eyes in a way that revealed a rare air of childish innocence. "Xia Chuan...? What's wrong?"

Biting hard on his lip, he didn't even dare to look Su Ming in the eyes. Gazing at the floor, he said, "I...feel bad there."

After a few seconds of hesitation, Su Ming kindly placed his hand on Xia Chuan's chest, feeling its warmth. "Is it feeling swollen?"

With the large and familiar palm touching him, Xia Chuan felt even more that the milk was about to overflow. He couldn't help but feel anxious. "Hurry up!"

As soon as his urging voice emerged, Su Ming carried him up by the waist and place him onto his long legs. Pulling up his shirt with his left hand, he pressed his lips over and sucked hard. Sweet milk gushed into his mouth eagerly and the sound of his gulping echoed in the silent room.

The milk filling up the right side of his chest was smoothly discharged in an instant, allowing Xia Chuan to breathe a sigh of relief. When his body moved, his clothes which had been pulled up fell again, blocking Su Ming's view.

Su Ming's hands were busy squeezing on his breasts so that more milk could gush out, but he also had to caress his round and bulging belly. He had no time to pull up his pajamas, so he pulled up the hem of the shirt, placing it by Xia Chuan's slightly parted lips. "Hold it up yourself."

Xia Chuan held onto the shirt with his teeth absent-mindedly, allowing Su Ming to enjoy the snack from his chest wantonly. Only a long while did he suddenly realize that something was wrong with this situation. "Fuck, why do I have to bite onto this! This is just unreasonable!" As his mouth opened, his shirt once again fell on top of Su Ming's head.

Feeling the world spin around him, he was pinned down onto the ground by the shoulders. Su Ming ripped off the shirt that was obscuring his view with an impatient force before continuing to focus on sucking those tender red nipples. After the bulge on the right side had almost subsided, he left the remaining milk inside to suck on the left side instead. Only, just as soon as his lips touched the nipple, he glanced at it with some surprise before raising his head. "Hey, seems like this one got a little bigger from all the sucking?"

"What the fuck? How's that even possible!" Xia Chuan looked down. The point which was pinched between the man's fingers did seem to have grown a little bigger. "It's just a little swollen, that's all!"

"No, look-" Su Ming rubbed his fingers around the edge of the areola. "Even the side seems a bit bigger, no? It's just...a bit hard to tell."

He let out a low chuckle that sent tingles down his spine. "This part here is already used to being in my mouth, Xia Chuan."

It was embarrassing enough for him to take the initiative to seek Su Ming out in the middle of the night to have him suck out his milk, but he was even crowned with the comment of "used to being in his mouth". Xia Chuan was overwhelmed by shame and anger. Pushing the man lying on top of him, he yelled, "Move away! I'm going to sleep!" As he said that, he lifted up the blanket and wrapped himself up in it, covering his face.

"But this is my bed..." Su Ming spoke with stifled laughter, seeming helpless at the situation. He lay down opposite Xia Chuan and tried to lift up the tightly grasped blanket little by little as he placed his hand over the still-bulging left breast. "Isn't your left side still swollen? Why don't you feed me what's inside there? Hm?"

Xia Chuan had always responded better to coaxing than coercion, so being spoken to in such a gentle tone made it too embarrassing for him to keep up a tough front. With some reluctance, he allowed Su Ming to take in his left nipple again.

The amount just now was enough to appease Su Ming's craving, so the speed at which he was sucking now slowed to a crawl. Little by little, he sipped and savored the creamy goodness that he yearned for day and night. After sucking on the left side, he didn't forget to take care of the right side earlier, and this cycle repeated itself several times.

The gentle force around the buds was soothing, while the kneading action on his breast helped to soothe the ache. Immersed in sweet relief, Xia Chuan gradually fell into a dreamy state.

Since then, whenever he slept at night, someone had to be there with him in case he felt swollen and uncomfortable.

The other three men got into the habit of drinking milk in the middle of the night, like nursing children.

On this night, Xia Chuan had just finished feeding Shang Yuzhong and was pulling his shirt down when he discovered the man staring fixedly at him like a pervert, sending chills down his spine. "We're all guys here, what're you looking at?"

"You look extra sexy after you're done breastfeeding." Shang Yuzhong's eyes were filled with such eager desire that they were almost glowing.

"It doesn't make me happy even if you praise me like that..." Xia Chuan rolled his eyes at him. "Anyway, go cook me a bowl of noodles. I'm hungry."

The long-haired man sat up and placed a kiss on Xia Chuan's cheek. "Yes, my dear wife!"

"Shut up!"

Ten minutes later, nestled under the covers, Xia Chuan suddenly smelled a familiar aroma. This smell may be appalling to others, but it whets his appetite well. Xia Chuan was ecstatic as he put on his jacket and walked to the dining room. Sure enough, he just happened to bump into Shang Yuzhong who had just walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of luosifen.

"I thought you hated this smell?"

From Shang Yuzhong's expression, he looked on the verge of chopping his own nose off. "I have no idea how you can enjoy this stuff. Is it some kind of weird eating disorder?"

Xia Chuan had already sat down and begun slurping on his noodles. While chewing, he mumbled, "I'm warning you, don't you dare diss luosifen!"

After happily slurping on his noodles and even swallowing the soup down into his belly, Xia Chuan burped in satisfaction and began walking back into his room to sleep. When he passed by Shang Yuzhong who was spraying air freshener around, he was stopped. "Aren't you going to brush your teeth before sleeping? No can do, you better change your clothes too!"

Xia Chuan was usually very fond of cleanliness, but he was so sleepy now that he revealed his straight man disease of laziness. "I can't even keep my eyes open anymore, just leave that for the morning!"

When Shang Yuzhong had finished cleaning up, sure enough, he saw Xia Chuan laying like a corpse on the bed.

In the dark and sweet land of the sleep, Xia Chuan suddenly felt something poking into his mouth, and it was vibrating at a tremendous speed...

Oh, it's an electric toothbrush.

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