Chapter 24

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"On the nature of interest, Senior said that it is the remuneration received by the owner of the capital that is not consumed..."

Even though he was sitting in the classroom of his finance minor class, Xia Chuan who had missed a lot of his classes couldn't follow the lecture. The PowerPoint being projected at the front of the classroom made absolutely no sense to him.

After looking around the class in boredom, he changed his sitting position and continued playing mobile games with his book acting as a cover. Thanks to Su Ming, the insides of his thighs were completely red when he woke up this morning, and even the friction from the rough fabric of the jeans stung a little as he moved, so he had to change into another pair with a softer material. Plus, he was so swollen back there that he could hardly sit still on his chair and he had to keep moving around to ease the discomfort.

What made everything even more awkward was the fact that Xue Yuejia who had never come to class was also in here with him. What Shang Yuzhong said last time was still ringing in his ears. Every word was so clear and he didn't have any chances to explain himself at all. Xue Yuejia must have misunderstood. Based on how she chases after Shang Yuzhong, she's probably going to raise up the anti-Xia Chuan flag next.

He really doesn't wanna be drinking super glue, receiving a package full of razor blades, or dying miserably from a brake failure!

As soon as the bell rang, Xia Chuan immediately tossed his books into his bag and was about to slip out from the classroom, preferably without having to bump heads with Xue Yuejia.

"Let's end the lecture here today, you are all dismissed. Xia Chuan and Xue Yuejia, please see me in my office."

Only then did Xia Chuan realize that the lecturer today just had to be the professor they offended last time. Who knows what he wants them to stay back for?

Xia Chuan who had already reached the door was forced to turn back, secretly flipping off the lecturer at the podium.

Walking front and back, he and Xue Yuejia walked into the office at the end of the corridor one after the other, both their faces looking a little stiff. Fortunately, the teacher didn't give them any time to chat and went straight to business. "I'd like to make an apology to the two of you today."

Xia Chuan + Xue Yuejia: ????

The lecturer cleared his throat awkwardly, clearly finding it a little hard to keep a straight face. "I've been teaching for more than a decade and I've never been able to get rid of my nasty temper. I know many of my students are scolding me behind my back because of that, but forget it. Let's not talk about that. Do you know why I was so angry about the two of you failing the course?"

Xia Chuan and Xue Yuejia looked at each other.

The lecturer was holding a test paper in his hands. "This is the set of questions I passed to everyone during the last make-up lesson over the break, and it comes with a detailed explanation at the back. As long as you read it carefully, you will find that many of the questions here appear in the test on the next day. You did not fail the class because you were stupid, but purely because of your attitude."

Xia Chuan glanced at the paper, and it did look quite familiar. He knew that he did in fact receive this set of test papers. Meanwhile, Xue Yuejia who never came to class was too embarrassed to say anything.

The teacher didn't make things hard for them and allowed them to leave after he said his piece. Xia Chuan and Xue Yuejia walked side by side on the hallways. The atmosphere was too awkward, so they had no choice but to look for something to say. "He's actually not that bad a guy."

Xue Yuejia echoed his sentiments. "Yeah. You're not so bad either, you know?"

What the fug! This isn't what an anti-fan is supposed to say, right?! Xia Chuan was creeped out. "Let's talk properly, alright?! First, let me make it clear, my relationship with Shang Yuzhong isn't what you think it is!"

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