Chapter 40

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Could she be any more of a face-con?! Xia Chuan sighed deeply as he considered how he was going to straighten this girl’s values. “Xue Yuejia, I think that true love is something that can only persist with reciprocation from the other party. Sometimes, when you hold onto a one-sided love for too long, it starts to change. You’re no longer in love with the person, but rather, caught up the feeling of being in unrequited love, then you won’t be able to remove yourself from the mental state of self-pity and self-admiration of your perseverance.” He had experienced unrequited love many times in the past, so he knew the feeling well.

He thought that those girls would float into his head as he talked about this, but maybe too much time had passed because even their faces have become hazy in his memories. The only faces left were those of three men, sticking out like sore thumbs above the rest of them, crowding his mind as if they were desperately making their presence known at every moment.

Xue Yuejia wiped away her tears, not listening to Master Xia’s sagely advice at all. “I don’t care, you’re the one I like! How can the guy I like be with his three roommates, and even give birth to a baby for them?!” Fueled with rage at the topic, she slammed her hand on the steering wheel, but unexpectedly, she hit the horn, and the loud honk scared the two of them.

They just happened to be stuck in a traffic jam, where the tightly-packed cars were moving excruciatingly slow. Most of the drivers were already in an irritable mood, so the guy in the car next to them rolled down his windows to curse at them. Xue Yuejia cried even more loudly after being yelled at, and while crying, she kept on smashing the horn. Xia Chuan had to quickly pull her hand off to stop her.

When she felt his hand, Xue Yuejia gripped it and did not let go. “Tell me, then. Do you like those three guys for real? What about them? What do they think about you?”

Xia Chuan felt a little stunned at the question. He had even forgotten to pull his hand back, allowing Xue Yuejia to fondle his palm.

In the past, Xia Chuan did wonder why the three of them would take an interest in him. The first time, when things happened with Jian Xuehang seemingly out of the blue, it felt impossible to Xia Chuan that it could possibly be non-premeditated. As for Su Ming, that guy jerked him off by force just after he came out of the shower, and this was before his body even went through any changes. His ill-intent was practically written on his face back then. Now that he thought back to it, it was simply a miracle that he could survive living under the same roof with these guys for over two years without any major problems.

As for Shang Yuzhong…he must have just been after his body in the very beginning. Then, whether it grew into an addiction or something else, he kept on pestering him after that. It wasn’t until the appearance of the baby, Xia Jin, that this haughty stud-horse degraded into a teary-eyed maiden with a heart of glass.

From how these three men acted around him, Xia Chuan made a careful judgment that they did in fact have some interest in him.

But what about his own feelings for Su Ming, Jiang Xuehang, and Shang Yuzhong?

Under the efforts of the traffic police who had rushed over to control the flow of traffic, the road ahead finally cleared up, which put Xue Yuejia in a much better mood. “No words? That’s because you’re not even suited to be with them to begin with. Be my boyfriend instead. I’ll guarantee it’s going to be worth it…”

“I can’t leave them,” Xia Chuan suddenly interrupted her. “Rather than say I like them, it’s more accurate to say that I just can’t stay away anymore.”

Under Xue Yuejia’s stunned gaze, he went on, “Whether it’s love or just habit, be it in the friendship of our past or our relationships in the future, they’re indispensable to me. In fact, I’d like to thank you. If you hadn’t given me this nudge, then I don’t know when I’ll finally come to realize this fact. I’m skittish, I like to run away and ignore my problems if I can’t be bothered to deal with them.”

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