Chapter 21

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On the first Sunday since the start of school, Xia Chuan received the tragic knew that he is one of the only two students who failed last semester's minor in finance. The class lecturer was furious and even told him to see him in his office.

Xia Chuan gritted his teeth and entered the School of Economic Management, thinking that he's fortunate enough to have a brother in woes at the very least.

The teacher hadn't arrived yet when he entered the office, but he and Xue Yuejia made eye contact.

"What a coincidence, you failed too?" Xia Chuan laughed awkwardly.

Xue Yuejia rolled her eyes. "I mean, I didn't even attend class a single time. It'd be strange if I passed?"

"This female student, you're quite straightforward about that, aren't you?" The lecturer just happened to enter the office at this time. As soon as he heard what Xue Yuejia said, his already discontented look turned even colder.

"Oh no, professor. She was just joking." Xia Chuan quickly put on a smile in an attempt to smooth things over. But as soon as he saw him, he remembered that this guy was infamous for being petty, and it's enough that he keeps making sarcastic remarks towards his own student, he would even make sour remarks about other lecturers behind their backs too. It's said that any graduate students who choose him as their mentor end up in quite the unlucky pit too.

Clearly, the lecturer wasn't exactly the example of patience. "Joking? I think the real joke here are your grades! Did you think I invited you in here for tea, young miss? Can't you look a little guilty about this?! You're a girl! Does it not embarrass you to get only twenty out of a hundred?!"

"So what if I got twenty?!" The lecturers words succeeded in completely infuriating Xue Yuejia. She rolled up the organza sleeves of her top and slammed her palms on the table. "What, I can't get a twenty just 'cause I'm a girl? So only guys are allowed to skip class and play video games, but a girl can't even fail one class?! Listen up. Not only do I go hard for my idols, I go hard as a feminist too!"

Xia Chuan, "..." Even though there seems to be some logic in her words, women's rights really shouldn't be used for such things, right?

But the lecturer wasn't exactly responding professionally either, and immediately gushed at her, unwilling to be seen as the weak one. If Xia Chuan wasn't at the side pulling Xue Yuejia back, then they would be throwing hands at this moment. Fortunately, a lecturer eventually passed by and he helped separate the two of them. It was hard for the lecturer to still hang his head high after being seen losing himself by his colleague. He sat down in a fit, ready to nag at Xue Yuejia again, but the other turned around and just left.

When he saw this situation, Xia Chuan knew that the lecturer would definitely focus all his rage on him, so he gritted his teeth and left as well.

As soon as he left the office, he saw Xue Yuejia rampaging on ahead in a huff. Worried, Xia Chuan sped up to catch up with her. "Just chill, do you really have to get so angry over that?! That guy says stuff like that all the time anyway."

"You don't understand! The one type I hate the most in my life are those straight man cancer types who look down on women! Why is it only girls that have to be quiet and study? What, can't girls act up too?!" Xue Yuejia was still filled with indignation.

If she puts it this way, then that lecturer earlier really did seem quite despicable, Xia Chuan thought.

While walking and talking, the two of them happened to bump into a buddy from the law school. That guy greeted Xia Chuan enthusiastically, "Hey, Xia Chuan. I heard your dorm was moving out?"

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