Chapter 28

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Two weeks later.

"Lyphard Melodie" trailed over from the stage in the distance. Richard Clayderman's skillful playing was drowned out by the laughter surrounding him, and all that could be heard in the background was the intermittent, but still beautiful sounds of the piano.

Out of the makeshift dressing room came a few oddly dressed boys, laughing at each other's outfits. As everyone was still available before heading off to their internships, god knows who proposed to do a costume party, but the girls immediately squealed and agreed. Thus, the boys could only go and rent some clothes with bitter hearts.

Xia Chuan waited for everyone to be gone before he peeked his head out from behind the curtain. Seeing that the dressing room was completely empty, he quickly went back inside and pulled the curtains shut. You could hardly tell with clothes on, but after taking off his oversized hoodie, there was an obvious bump on his belly. Xia Chuan accidentally glanced at the dressing mirror and his eyes were glued to his stomach, staring at it dumbfoundedly for a while.

After coming out from the shower naked a few days ago, he was shocked when he suddenly saw his distended belly in the mirror. But when the panic subsided, it didn't look that bad. Instead, he felt like the reality of him being pregnant was being reflected in that image.

Making faces at himself in front of the dressing mirror, Xia Chuan thought to himself, "Sonny, Dad has sacrificed so much for you, so you better honor me well in the future."

His hoodie and jeans were just casually tossed onto a chair. Xia Chuan took out the clothes he prepared from a paper bag-a black robe that covered him from head to toe, and a mask. The more he looked at it, the more pleased he felt. This No-Face costume is sure to win the top prize!

Of course, this extra-long robe wasn't easy to wear at all. As soon as he slipped it over his head, Xia Chuan couldn't see anything, and he couldn't even find where the collar was. And, the tight fabric just had to get his head stuck so he couldn't pull it up or down. It was a very painful moment. Just when he was thinking madly about wanting to give the seller a bad review, he suddenly heard the curtains being pulled open.

Woah! Oh shit oh shit oh shit!

He didn't put his clothes on yet! They'll see his belly!

Xia Chuan who was still stuck inside that black sack wanted to hide himself, but he tripped over the leg of the chair just after two steps and stumbled towards the ground. With a frightened yelp, Xia Chuan was unable to regain his balance. Things weren't the same as before, if he fell, then two lives may just end here if things don't go well!

In the nick of time, the person who just entered grabbed Xia Chuan. Not only did they manage to support the falling body with their strong arms, they even helped him back onto the chair. Xia Chuan thanked them out of habit but he caught a glimpse of a skirt through a slit in the black robe.

...It's a girl?

And a girl who can carry him, a man weighing more than 60 kilos and helping him to a chair?

Just as Xia Chuan was petrified, the "girl" helped him pull out the robe, and he finally saw the light.

When he caught sight of the person in front of him, Xia Chuan nearly let out a curse.

It's not enough to just call "her" his dream girl, she was practically born to his taste!

Not to mention, have a look at that fair and glowing skin! And that romanticly long, slightly curly hair! Also that petite little face under the mask...Just the maid outfit alone was enough to give him a nosebleed!

Even though she's a little flat, those legs measuring at least 1.3m long can more than make up for it!

Xia Chuan was simply cross-eyed at the sight, and he had the urge to wipe off the nonexistent drool on his face.

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