Chapter 20

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It's been almost a week since the start of the school year. The students gradually woke up from their muddled holiday state. Even the ones who have had their sleep schedules completely reversed and have been cultivating immortality each and every day are doing their best to return to a natural rhythm. However, Xia Chuan's symptoms of "summer illness" never got better, and even became worse. The continued period of low fever made him feel dizzy the whole day.

Shang Yuzhong sat down by Xia Chuan's bed and helped him up so he could lean on his shoulder, and he tried his best to stay as patient as possible while persuading him to visit the hospital. "Just listen. The hospital is private and owned wholly by my family. To make it simple, it's a family business. The doctor who contacted you is also an acquaintance of mine. If he dares say anything, I'll rip his mouth off. You don't trust me?" He had always been very cold to people, so he had never actually tried coaxing anyone or the like. Watching Xia Chuan suffering these days really gripped his heart, and worse was how the other would rather die than see a doctor. He was so worn out from this that he hardly had any temper left.

Enduring the buzzing in his head, Xia Chuan didn't even have the energy to shake his head and just spat out a single stiff syllable from his dry and cracked lips, "No."

"Fuck!" Shang Yuzhong's patience finally reached a breaking point and he tore the cooling blanket off Xia Chuan's body, carried him up, and walked out. Xia Chuan was no match for Shang Yuzhong even while he was up and jumping, so he was just being dragged out like a powerless slug.

Su Ming had been at the side, watching the development of the situation. Seeing that Shang Yuzhong had decided to use force, he immediately followed them, for fear that that Shang Yuzhong would slip and drop Xia Chuan.

On the way down the stairs, they bumped into a few boys who were staring at them with curious eyes, all of whom were stared back by Su Ming with an icy glare of warning. One of them was in the same year as them, so after the three of them went down, he rubbed down the goosebumps on his arm and said to himself, "Huh, what are they up to? Is Su Ming usually that scary?"

After leaving the dorm, Shang Yuzhong carried Xia Chuan to the parking lot and happened to bump into Jiang Xuehang who had just returned from the infirmary. He had just gone to consult a doctor about Xia Chuan's situation and decided to bring Xia Chuan in, but when he saw this scene, he quickly reacted, "I'm going too."

Shang Yuzhong who was busy holding down Xia Chuan who was moving around agreed and the four of them headed to his car.

About a dozen minutes later, the Volvo rolled up to the block where the private hospital was located and headed down into the underground parking lot. Shang Yuzhong turned over to undo the passenger seatbelt and got off the car. Then, he walked over the other side and was just about to carry him down when he saw that Su Ming was a step before him.

After a bumpy ride, Xia Chuan was feeling absolutely terrible as he was heaving while leaning on Su Ming's body. He looked just about ready to throw up all over him.

Shang Yuzhong furrowed his delicate brows, but considering that seeing a doctor was more important right now, he suppressed the anger inside of him and led the way to the elevator.

The doctor who had been contacted beforehand had been waiting in the consultation room for some time. Since he was already informed about the gist of the situation, he brought Xia Chuan to the ultrasound directly. Then, before the results came out, he quickly arranged for him to get a physical examination and a blood test. While Xia Chuan was at the desk, getting his blood taken, the doctor motioned for the other three to follow him.

After locking the door to the consultation room, the doctor handed the report to them. "Even though the patient's condition is rather special, he is indeed pregnant. The baby is currently eight weeks old."

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