Chapter 39

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As Jiang Xuehang predicted, Xue Yuejia brought Xia Chuan straight down to the car park. After both of them got in, she carefully locked the door before tossing over the phone that Xia Chuan was so afraid of to him.

The screen was still displaying the "call ended" message. Xia Chuan watched as the phone fell to the floor and even kicked it to the side with lasting unease. Now that the threat hanging over his head was gone, he could finally calm down a little. He watched as Xue Yuejia started the engine and stepped on the gas next to him, asking in realization, "Do you have a driver's license? No, wait...What are you even trying to do?"

Xue Yuejia was clearly not a skilled driver. She stared nervously at the open road ahead of her for a while before answering, "To save you from the devil's den, of course!"

Xia Chuan was stunned. "Devil's den? You mean that apartment we're renting?"

Xue Yuejia grumbled in disappointment when she saw how oblivious he was. "Look at you, look at what a mess they've made of you! You used to be a perfectly normal straight guy!" When they talked in the past, the depth of his straight man cancer was well-understood. There were a few times when she even felt tempted to put his comments up on Weibo for everyone to judge and observe. There was no way she would believe that he would willingly take his three gay roommates up the ass even if you beat to her hell and back.

In light of the fact that Xia Chuan seemed to have completely evaporated into thin air during the past few months and hardly left the house while she was monitoring him, Xue Yuejia concluded that he was being held captive by the three of them.

The lobby on the ground floor was empty, and there was no sign of anyone passing by on the way leading out to the courtyard. Su Ming did not dally here for long and ran straight to the basement, where he met up with the other two in the parking lot. Together, they got in Shang Yuzhong's car.

However, Xue Yuejia had long expected them to try and pursue her, so she stepped hard on the gas pedal, but she was terrible with shifting and was bulling her way through heavy traffic on the highway, which freaked Xia Chuan out so much that his hand was glued to the "oh shit" handle above the car door. "Aren't you driving a little too fast?! The limit for this road is 70 kilometers!"

Miss Road Killer Xue Yuejia was too busy wrenching her steering wheel around to even pay attention to what he was saying. When she finally got her car to the middle lane with ungodly difficulty, she wiped the sweat off her brow, her tears falling along. "So...What on earth is going on with your belly?"

Xia Chuan could hardly keep up with the rhythm of her changing emotions. Compared to a woman like her who can be laughing one moment and crying the other, it was much easier dealing with a man. He looked down at his belly, which was wrapped up by his heavy down jacket, and struggled to organize his speech. "What else can I say? It is what it is...For the record, though, I'm one-hundred percent male."

"One-hundred percent male?" Xue Yuejia wailed through her grimace. "You're telling me that someone who's one-hundred percent male can get pregnant and even lac...lactate? Hahaha...fuck me. By some stroke of luck, I actually fall in love for real, and I've fallen for someone who's neither a man nor a woman..."

There was way too much information jammed into what she just said, and Xia Chuan couldn't even be bothered to care what she was saying about his gender anymore. He was astounded. "What? Who are you saying you've fallen in love with?"

Looking away from the road, Xue Yuejia glared resentfully at him with reddened eyes.

Giving chase, the three men drove out of the apartment complex. Shang Yuzhong had only seen Xue Yuejia's car from afar just a few times, so he naturally wouldn't be able to remember the license plate. However, there was no way he would forget the bottle green Beetle. It really stood out amongst the other cars. He had been driving secretly without a license since he was in high school, so his skills were much better than Xue Yuejia's. After a few minutes of driving just under the speed limit, he finally spotted the green Beetle veering left and right in the traffic ahead.

There was so much traffic in the oncoming lane that there was no way he was going to be overtaking any cars for a while. So, the Volvo had no other choice but to follow the Beetle at a distance.

Jiang Xuehang poked his head out of the car window to stare at the car's green ass, but they were so far away that he couldn't even spot Xia Chuan's jacket. Helpless, he got back into his seat and readjusted his glasses with a heavy mind. "What is that woman trying to do? Shang Yuzhong, she came for you, didn't she?"

Shang Yuzhong shrugged. "I haven't seen her in months, how would I know that she'd pull this shit out of nowhere?"

"Just now, she told Xia Xi that she was Xia Chuan's girlfriend..." Su Ming narrowed his eyes as he recalled the situation from earlier. "What does she mean by that?"

The three men in the car exchanged glances, all thinking of one possibility.

When he saw Xue Yuejia turning into a blubbering mess with her hands still on the steering wheel, Xia Chuan quickly nudged her shoulder, urging her to focus on the road. "So why is it 'for real' when it comes to me? Don't tell me all the love you had for those 'oppas' of yours was just for show...?"

"Of course not!" Xue Yuejia retorted without even having to think about the answer.

"Then, let me think..." Xia Chuan rubbed his chin and pondered on it for a moment. "It's because my looks are just so-so, that's why you think it must be true love that I've caught your eye, isn't it?"

Xue Yuejia blinked her teary eyes. Damn, bullseye.

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