Chapter 29

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All the lights were turned on in the hundred-meter-square auditorium. Everyone was dressed in costumes and wearing masks, dancing to the piano music that was poured out gently like a stream of water. Only, most of the people there were less than professional when it came to dancing, and the sound of laughter could be heard every so often. It was dark and quiet backstage, and the curtain of the dressing room was drawn tight. A jaw-dropping spectacle was currently taking place in that narrow space.

The two of them changed to a different position, with Xia Chuan's knees bent and held up by the person behind him, almost as if he was being fucked in mid-air. The delicate boy in the maid outfit was thrusting his hips hard, churning circles inside of the other person's body with his cock. The sweat oozing from his forehead soaked the wig wet. As he felt the thick object thrusting in endlessly, Xia Chuan gasped impatiently and was almost unable to make out a full sentence. "Let me...down...Ngh..."

Jiang Xuehang had no intention of stopping. He stroked Xia Chuan's rod with reassurance and dug his nails shallowly into the tight crevice of his urethra. The sharp pleasure caused Xia Chuan to arch his back as the urge to ejaculate bubbled up at the front.

Jiang Xuehang had long familiarized himself with his body, and after recognizing his impending orgasm, Jiang Xuehang stopped stroking his front and even pulled out his own sex.

He also released his fingers from his legs, steadily lowering Xia Chuan down. However, he was fucked to the point where his knees buckled, and he could only slump down onto the ground. The pleasure that was about to arrive at its peak disappeared in an instant, but the heat in his body did not fade in the slightest. Xia Chuan tugged at the other's lace cuffs and expressed confusion with his teary eyes. Jiang Xuehang almost lost control from the temptation of his gaze, but since he wanted to bully him, he could only endure his erect desire and his voice had also turned hoarse from the torture of his lust. "Xiao Chuan, do you want me? I'll give it to you if you tell me."

With the man's fingers no longer on his body, Xia Chuan's entire body was covered in itching need. His gaping hole was crying out to be filled. Even so, he was unable to say such shameful words even after opening his mouth. After giving Jiang Xuehang a glare, Xia Chuan held his front end and began working himself, but he just couldn't get the same pleasure as before, anxious to the point of whimpering. Jiang Xuehang's Adam's apple bobbed up and down. Under the stimulation of the scene in front of him, he could no longer pretend to remain calm and was just about to press the man down in front of him and thrust in when Xia Chuan suddenly stood up, grabbed him by the shoulders, and pushed him against the wall.

Jiang Xuehang was somewhat startled to see the hand on his shoulder, but Xia Chuan just leaned over to lick his lips. The combination of their outfits was like a naked pervert flirting with a cute, innocent girl. Immediately after, the pervert grabbed hold of the pure innocent girl's cock and brought the huge thing lubricated by bodily fluids towards his back hole, gently twisting his hips so that the crown can pry apart the crevice.

"Xiao're going to rape me?" Jiang Xuehang looked at Xia Chuan who was so provoked by desire that he had lost his mind, his pupils unfathomably deep.

"That's right, I'm going to rape you!" Xia Chuan answered straightforwardly before sitting right down on the rod. They both shuddered as the hot organ plunged into the tunnel. When he felt that the rod had reached a satisfying depth, Xia Chuan stopped, ignoring the fact that a large part of the overly thick organ was still exposed. He grabbed Jiang Xuehang's shoulder and began moving his hips. Finally, after tasting the fullness he desired in the back, his juices flowed freely, wetting the crack and his inner thigh. Even the hole in the front was a mess.

Jiang Xuehang gritted his teeth and his breaths were so heavy that it almost covered up his words. "You're so selfish. Xiao Chuan only cares about himself..." Before he even finished speaking, he was anxious to seize the initiative, sinking his hands deep into that firm ass and thrusting his hips forward in one abrupt motion, filling Xia Chuan up completely. Leaving him no time to adapt, he began plunging in wildly.

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