Chapter 15

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Daylight lasts quite long during the summer, and the days were still very bright at six or seven in the evening. Both his parents finally came home and Xia Chuan's mother finally remembered her job and went to put together dinner in the kitchen. Xia Xi who had already finished her tuition classes was lying paralyzed on the sofa, burying herself with her idol's face to heal herself. During this period, Xia Chuan called Su Ming several times but got the notification that his phone was off each time. He didn't know whether he was still on the phone or forgotten to turn it back on.

Regarding the shameful changes of his body, there was no way Xia Chuan could tell his family, much less his relationship with his roommates even if you beat him to death. He didn't dare to imagine what Su Ming would do in front of his family, and how he should face his conservative parents and his perverted sister who couldn't hope for anything more than for her big brother to become gay.

The moment the doorbell rang, Xia Chuan who was already tense on his nerves immediately reacted and rushed over to open the door.

Su Ming was standing outside, waving to him with a smile on his face while he had a bag slung over his shoulders. Dressed in a plain t-shirt and sweatpants. He looked neat and tidy, completely unlike a tired man who had just arrived from a long flight. He looked so relaxed and comfortable that it seemed like he was just out for a walk. When he saw the deep outlines of that face coming closer and closer, Xia Chuan quickly pushed him away.

"Who is it?" Xia Xi followed him to the door, curious. As soon as she saw Su Ming, her eyes widened and began to glow with greed.

"You must be Xia Xi, right? I'm Su Ming, Xia Chuan's roommate." Su Ming introduced himself with a friendly smile before passing her a dark red box he had taken out from his bag. "A little gift for our first meeting."

"Woahh-It's SK-II!" Xia Xi took the gift in surprise but her eyes were still unwilling to part from Su Ming's handsome and well-defined face. "Is Brother Su Ming a model? How are you so handsome?!"

"Haha, no. I could say the same to you two siblings. Both of you are really good-looking."

Xia Chuan was watching coldly at the side. Su Ming really was powerful. Not only could Xia Xi not shut up about him, Xia Chuan's parents were soon sieged as well. In just a short few minutes, Su Ming had already demonstrated his skill in the kitchen and amazed Xia Chuan's mother who had been cooking for decades.

But fortunately, Su Ming was currently still labeled as his all-amazing handsome roommate, and not the sex demon blackmailing him with his pictures. Indignantly, Xia Chuan took a bite out of Su Ming's sweet and sour pork ribs and it was so crisp and delicious that he nearly swallowed his tongue along with it.

After Su Ming joined in, their dinner became very cheerful and enjoyable. He was handsome, had a sweet mouth, and good at cooking too, he just looked like a very reliable person. After dinner, Mama Xia nearly took adopted him as her own son. On the other hand, Xia Chuan the actual son who had just returned from home for the semester break was completely forgotten in the corner.

After dinner, Su Ming helped to clean up the table, but Mama Xia told him he didn't have to wash the dishes and sent him to the living room to watch TV with Papa Xia instead. "In the Name of the People[1]" has been broadcasting on the TV lately, and congressman Papa Xia tunes in every night without fail. Surprisingly, Xia Xi was also quite into it, you could also hear the two of them laughing strangely from time to time.

During the ad break, Xia Chuan pulled Su Ming into an unlit room and punched the wall right beside his face. His suppressed voice made him sound exceptionally fierce. "What on earth are you doing!"

Su Ming stared at Xia Chuan without looking away, a sparkle emerging in his still eyes. "I came to see you because I missed you. Can't I do that?"

Being stared at in such a close distance made Xia Chuan feel a little meek. "No...But what are you trying to get out of getting closer with my family?!"

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