Chapter 12

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Two naked bodies tangled fiercely with each other underneath the dim lighting. A slender, long-haired man lay on top of a sexy and plump female body.

The two kissed passionately for a moment, but after an indistinct curse from the man, he rolled over in frustration and leaned back against the headboard.

The woman sat up and flicked the light switch on the wall, illuminating the bedroom with a warm yellow light. With that, much of the lusty atmosphere in the room dissipated.

She grabbed the blanket underneath her body and covered herself with it. With a smear of disdain, she sneered, "Young Master Shang called me in the middle of the night but couldn't get hard even after we took our clothes off. You'll be a laughing stock for the rest of the year if anyone hears of this."

Shang Yuzhong's face was covered in gloom. Without a single word, he picked up the half-empty pack of Marlboros from the nightstand. Lighting himself one from the pack, he took a hard drag from it and instantly filled the room with the unique minty aroma of Marlboro Ice Blasts.

He had been feeling depressed recently. He thought his interest in Xia Chuan was nothing more than curiosity, and he would be done with it after getting a taste. But unexpectedly, he completely lost control of himself that night. He couldn't stop fucking Xia Chuan even when the latter had gone unconscious, and he nearly broke his own record for the number of times they did it.

Even more frighteningly, his cravings hadn't subsided in the slightest. They burned even hotter instead. He was at that point where he could get hard even just from seeing Xia Chuan walk around the dorm in shorts.

If Xia Chuan would throw himself at him like the rest of those pretty boys, things would be easy. But he never spoke a single word to him after they came back from that hotel, and would just roll his eyes whenever he saw him. Even Jiang Xuehang and Su Ming would at least be able to chat with him a little, but that was all he got.

Though he deleted those photos in front of Xia Chuan, he actually prepared backups early on. Whenever he ended up tossing around in bed, unable to sleep, he would just reminisce about the ecstasy he felt that night while looking at the photos on his phone, and quickly get himself off. Then, when he was clear-headed, he would swear at himself for being so damn inept.

He wondered if he was just pent up for too long, so he met with several of his former fuck buddies when he felt horny again. But in the end, his cock that was hard as a red-hot piece of iron actually softened the instant he saw their naked bodies. After having a taste of such an odd but scrumptious body, it seems that all others have lost their appeal.

"What's the matter, something bothering you? Thinking about which supplement you should take for that?" When she saw Shang Yuzhong's vacant profile in the darkness, she couldn't help but taunt him ruthlessly.

Shang Yuzhong couldn't be bothered to argue with her. But then, thinking about how experienced this woman was, he asked, "You've fucked all kinds of guys, so let me ask you this. Have you ever experienced being unable to get it on with anyone else after fucking someone in particular?"

"Hm, maybe Wu Zhen or Zhang Yanzhu," the woman pouted her lips in thought. As if she suddenly thought of something, her eyes widened in surprise. "Shang Yuzhong! Don't tell me...Are you keeping your chastity for someone?!"

"Cut the shit," Shang Yuzhong crushed the flavor capsule of his cigarette in a burst of discomposure, allowing the refreshing flavor to travel straight into his lungs. "I just don't think there's any point fucking anyone anymore."

"That's new~~But don't you fall in love, Young Master Shang." Seeing that the man showed no intention to try again, she just put her clothes back on and poured herself a cup of water from the living room. "If you do, that person's going to be really unlucky."

"How's that possible?" Shang Yuzhong denied it without even thinking about it. When he saw the woman's sexy figure as she walked out the door, he couldn't help but think back to that tight, smooth muscled back, exuding the tempting aura of a man underneath the layer of sweat. As well as his favorite full and perky honeyed ass...By the time he came back to his senses, the ash of his cigarette had already dropped down, leaving several holes in the sheets.

The other three in the dorm weren't doing so hot either. Of course, Xia Chuan's state was obvious. What kind of man could still be happy after being played with like that? But even though Su Ming and Jiang Xuehang could have coerced Xia Chuan into sleeping with them before, they found it difficult to even talk to him now. Coupled with it being the end of the semester soon, most of the classes have already ended and it was mostly self-study at this period of time. Everyone saw each other less and less.

The life of a law student was no joke. He had to drown in his sorrows alone while trying to memorize seven or eight textbooks at the same time. After finishing his grade 4 exams, Xia Chuan didn't even have time to digest the worries of waiting for his results before having to go shove the thick book of law articles down his throat like a brick. He had to experience failing his classes before, and he knew how difficult the make-up exam and retaking the course was. He definitely wouldn't dare slack off at such a critical moment. So, he had to stay overnight in the library to study each day and rush over to the exam room as soon as time was up the next day.

After finishing all his subjects in such a frantic way, Xia Chuan could finally breathe a deep sigh of relief. He threw himself into the blankets and slept for nearly 24 hours straight. Someone seemed to have said something in his ear during that time, but he just turned over impatiently and continued sleeping.

When he finally had his fill of sleep, he opened his eyes into a squint while laying on the bed. The sky was too bright outside, and the sun was still shining a fiery orange. The air conditioner above was conditioning the air in a hum with no other sound in the room. For a moment, he couldn't figure out where he was.

After finding his phone underneath his pillow, Xia Chuan saw a new message besides the one of Xia Xi asking her on WeChat whether he was done with his exams. Xia Chuan gave it a quick skim-through and realized that it was Jiang Xuehang asking him how he thought he did in his exams. He also told him he had scheduled a vacation internship, so he was returning to City W. At the end, he also added some subtle and obscure sentences, which had Xia Chuan staring at them for a good hour or so before he realized that he was trying to tell him he would miss him very much.

When he saw the densely packed words in that text, Xia Chuan felt the urge to laugh at Jiang Xuehang. But strangely enough, he also felt an itch in his heart. Like a dog's tail brushing lightly by a stalk of grass.

Putting his mind off it, he threw his phone to the side and stretched his muscles, recalling what Su Ming had said to him while he was half asleep. Something had just popped up at home, so he needed to rush over immediately.

That meant that he was the only one left in the dorm! He wouldn't have to worry about being sexually harassed all the time anymore! Xia Chuan sat up in bed, feeling refreshed, and was just about to head outside of school to celebrate. But as soon as he got out of bed, he realized he had forgotten about one particular living person.

With slender legs that were crossed over each other, Shang Yuzhong was leaning lazily back against his seat, looking as gorgeous and frosty as fucking usual.

He raised up his eyes indolently and looked over Xia Chuan with impatience. "Well, you've been sleeping for a long damn time."

"None of your busines...No, wait! It's the holidays, what are you still hanging around here for?!" Xia Chuan frantically clawed at his short hair.

"The same thing you are."


"For my second major. Didn't you apply for a second major in finance? I'm in computing."

Shit! He actually forgot all about that! He signed up last semester after being coerced into it by his mother. Since classes were only on the weekends, he skipped every single one of them. But there were classes back to back during the holidays and even a test lined up. He had no choice but to go. That also meant that he would have to stay alone in this dorm with that horrible pervert Shang Yuzhong for almost half a month!

When he saw the same old ghastly smile on that guy's face, Xia Chuan lit a candle for himself.

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