Chapter 26

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"What the fuck did you just say?!" Xia Chuan leapt up from the bed and shoved Shang Yuzhong hard. The latter was already weak on his feet from alcohol and fell to his ass after stumbling back a few steps.

He gasped hard for air in the dimly lit room, hot blood surging straight to his head. The palpitations of his heart caused him to see stars. He stepped on Shang Yuzhong's knee when the other man tried to stand up and pressed him down to the floor, jabbing his finger at his own abdomen. "There's a monster in here, isn't there?!"

"Monster". The shock of this word caused Shang Yuzhong's pupils to shrink, but even so, he couldn't even vent a thousandth of his emotions on this man in front of him. Scratching his sweat-soaked hair, he looked up at Xia Chuan, his voice sounding almost as if he were pleading. "Don't say that. That's our child..."

He couldn't bear to hear this man speak anymore. With a bang, Xia Chuan slammed Shang Yuzhong's head to the floor and grabbed his neck, squeezing hard. His abnormal body was already against nature, and now because of this man before him, a strange fetus that shouldn't exist was even growing inside of his stomach?!

By the time Shang Yuzhong who had been knocked dizzy by the blow to the back of his head came to, he found his breathing constricted by the shocking grip, completely depriving him of air. In just a short few seconds, his face turned red from the pressure, but he couldn't break out of that grip no matter how he tried. He raised his head subconsciously, meeting Xia Chuan's gaze, and his heart instantly ran cold.

Those were eyes filled with hatred down to the bones.

There was a light creak at the door, and then the room lit up. Xia Chuan's eyes were strained from the sudden light, causing him to loosen his grip by reflex. The man underneath him immediately broke away and rubbed his neck that was covered in red marks as he gasped. Right now, nothing more than dense misery could be seen in his usually aloof peach blossom eyes.

When the two who rushed in at the noise saw this scene, they were able to guess what had transpired. When he saw Xia Chuan kneeling on the floor in an emotionally unstable state, Su Ming's heart jumped and he quickly helped him to the bed. "Calm down."

Xia Chuan turned his head in shock and stared at Su Ming whose face seemed to show that he expected this. "You two knew!"

Numerous scenes from before that never caught his attention finally linked clearly together.

His "summer illness" never cleared up even when the weather turned cold.

After he got examined at the hospital, all three of them had clearly turned weird.

Without consulting with him at all, Su Ming passed in his club withdrawal form.

And, in these recent days, none of them touched him at the front...

So that was it. The only one kept in the dark was him, the fool who hadn't even realized he was pregnant.

When he spoke again, Xia Chuan's voice was completely hoarse. His voice trembled so much that he could barely form a complete sentence. "I...But I'm a man!! How is this possible? How could you do this to me? I..." Animalistic sorrow was released from the depths of himself as large drops of his tears fell.

A man beside him held him tight, touching his cheek with his slightly cool lips, gently kissing away his tears. Xia Chuan turned around to see the pained Jiang Xuehang, but he pushed him away with a fierce gaze.

While watching the scene, Su Ming went over to Shang Yuzhong and whispered into his ear, "Call the doctor. Xia Chuan's emotions aren't stable right now. This might be dangerous for the baby."

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