Chapter 14

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The campus was quiet and empty at night, and the parking lot behind the dorms was quite a bit darker than anywhere else. However, if you looked carefully, you would notice that one of the cars amongst the many parked at the lot was different.

The better quality seal of the car isolated the noises inside whilst the one-way glass tint applied to the windows allowed for better privacy. However, the slight tremors of this medium-sized car could not be concealed. Even with the air conditioner turned on, the sordid temperature inside the car was still steadily increasing.

Xia Chuan's hands were bound together with Shang Yuzhong's tie while the man enjoyed a bird's eye view of his thighs that were covered with the marks he left.

An eerie heat now rose within Shang Yuzhong's cold eyes as he eyed the man beneath him. Mischievously, he caught Xia Chuan's underwear and twisted it into a rope between his legs, pulling it upwards.

Every time Shang Yuzhong tugged upwards, the thin rope would sink deeper into his groin and quickly drew deep between his slit. This allowed him to put pressure against both his front and back holes at the same time. Even his desire that was sticking to his belly could feel it. Pleasure was bursting forth in between the slight hints of pain, and Xia Chuan had to struggle back to avoid it. "Ugh...Let me go...Ngh...Are you listening to me?!"

The space within the car was limited, so he quickly hit the door after inching back a little. With dark eyes, Shang Yuzhong advanced further, keeping Xia Chuan in check in the narrow space between the car door and his own body.

Things ended up becoming even worse for him. Xia Chuan's eyes darted away, but as he felt the soft waves of the other man's hot breath blowing against his neck, both of them who were already experienced with each other's bodies seemed to react. Naturally, with their close distance, they would eventually be affected emotionally as well.

Xia Chuan beat Shang Yuzhong's chest with his bound hands and yelled at him, despite knowing it would achieve nothing. "Hey you! Don't even think about fucking me today!"

"You sure about that?" Shang Yuzhong came closer with an unperturbed face, kissing those lips that refused to say anything nice. Before this, he would never kiss anyone during sex, but as Xia Chuan kept saying things he didn't like, he found that this was the only way he could shut him up. As time went on, he even began to get addicted to that sensation. The words that came from Xia Chuan's mouth were foul but his lips were so soft, even his fluids carried a refreshingly sweet taste.

Unconsenting, Xia Chuan turned his head away to evade it, but he was caught behind the head and his lips were seized roughly by the other man. Seemingly irritated with his reluctance, Shang Yuzhong tugged his underwear mercilessly. The fabric that had been twisted into a fine rope was now extremely stiff, and he made sure to position it against his most sensitive point-the clitoris. The tremendous pressure created by that fabric almost felt like it was going to split him open.

"Nn, ngh..." Xia Chuan's thighs trembled as his chest heaved up and down. A great volume of his honeyed juices suddenly poured out from his sore cunt as the liquid flowed down his groin, staining the leather seat.

"Huh, you can even cum from this? You're so fucking lewd..." Shang Yuzhong let go of the fabric in his hand and pressed his cool fingers on the convulsing hole instead, feeling the burning heat. "You got my car dirty, how are you going to compensate for it...?" Then, without any care for the fact that Xia Chuan was still soaking in his afterglow, he pulled down his zipper, took out the red-tinted rod from his pants and stuffed it straight into his hole.

"Mgh-No, you can't...Ah!"

The faintly throbbing inner wall was both tight and hot as it sucked on his desire like a pair of soft lips weaved from silk. Shang Yuzhong was in so much bliss that he groaned. "Just pay me back with your body then."

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