Chapter 34

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At three in the morning, the warm light of the floor lamp drew shadows over the bed. Most of the silhouette of the man lying on top of Xia Chuan's chest was hidden in the shadows, leaving only a pair of eyes, glistening with moisture.

They had already done it several times before and Xia Chuan was so tired now that he could hardly open his eyes. Dazedly, he reached his hand over to pat the man's back.

Jiang Xuehang, who was savoring the sweet milk, felt speechless. Was he really treating him as his child now?

Gulping down the sweet liquid in his mouth, he naughtily nibbled on the tender nipple with his canines. Only when he heard Xia Chuan grunting with discomfort did he mumble, "I'm your man."

He had no idea whether Xia Chuan heard him or not, but he continued patting his back as if he were coaxing a child. Soon, the force of his pats became softer and softer. Looking up, Xia Chuan had already fallen asleep.

After a dreamless night[1], late into the morning.

The more pampered a life one leads, the lazier one becomes, not to mention the fact that Xia Chuan was never a diligent one to begin with. In the past, he could still catch his morning classes before attendance had been taken. But now, after being spoiled by three men, he'd almost forgotten what it feels like to be woken up by an alarm clock.

But as usual, the one waking him up this morning was no alarm clock, but rather a strange sensation felt at the tip of his sensitive nipples. To be precise, there was a fiery hot and wet object with tiny nubs over its soft surface teasing his right nipple in an intermittent motion. It was such a sensitive place, after all, so just a small touch was already hard to bear usually, let alone this sort of treatment.

Xia Chuan opened his eyes in a trance and looked tiredly at his chest in confusion. His right nipple was currently between a pair of tender pink lips, and while asleep, the man was subconsciously sucking on them. Despite how sweet and angelic Jiang Xuehang's sleeping face looked, Xia Chuan still erupted in anger.

He had fallen asleep in a daze last night and his body was still naked, which was bad enough in itself...

But Jiang Xuehang actually slept while sucking on him there!

This is too much!!!

"Fuck! Wake the fuck up!" Xia Chuan grabbed Jiang Xuehang by the shoulder. He wanted to push him away, yet he didn't dare to for fear that his sensitive parts may be dragged into their squabble.

Long eyelashes fluttering twice like butterfly wings, Jiang Xuehand who had just woken up revealed a rare hazy look. After realizing that something was in his mouth, he sucked on it out of instinct, and the abundant milk which had been accumulating all night gushed into his mouth immediately.

"Let go...You..." Xia Chuan's sensitive body trembled as the pitch of his voice changed. He didn't wake Jiang Xuehang up to drink milk!

At that, Jiang Xuehang really let go of his nipple, only to see that the right nipple which had been sucked on overnight had swollen to a larger size. Wet and tender red with a dot of white milk on the tip, it looked particularly lewd.

Xia Chuan was simply too embarrassed to look and was just about to kick him away when his ankle was caught. Then, the man pinned him down face-to-face on the bed. Jiang Xuehang pried his legs apart before his unclothed lower body was presented before him at an extremely close distance.

Whether due to negligence or possessiveness, Jiang Xuehang did not clean him up last night. So, Xia Chuan had to sleep with his semen inside of him all night. Being nourished by his cum overnight, his tender pussy revealed an even pinker and more delicate color under the man's almost palpably hot gaze.

Out of shame, it contracted a few times, causing a stream of undried semen to flow out.

Xia Chuan eyed Jiang Xuehang vigilantly. When he saw the large and sturdy mound erected between his groin, he was so shocked that his eyes went wide. They were both men here and he knows it's inevitable that a man's Jr. gets exceptionally fired up in the mornings, but Jiang Xuehang was so rigidly hard down there that it was practically reaching up to his belly. Wasn't this a little too fired up?

When he saw Xia Chuan staring at him down there, Jiang Xuehang's eyes deepened. Even his breathing became hurried. "Stop looking. I'll give it to you right away." Then, while pulling down his trunks with one hand to reveal the imposing sex organ with bulging veins coiled over its surface, he probed his middle finger into the tightly closed slit with his other hand.

After the night, half of the cum he had ejaculated into the hole had dried up, so the canal felt a little sticky. To his surprise, the whole which he had thoroughly fucked open the night before was now as tight as a virgin in the morning. After inserting a single finger, he could already feel how tightly enveloped it was. He had to open him up for a while before he could fit his ring finger inside as well, violating his hole with both fingers. The narrow cavity soon adapted to the pleasure and began secreting its own juices. Under the lead of his fingers, the half-dried semen was rehydrated once more, turning the cavity into a large mess.

Patiently, he allowed Xia Chuan to get used to the stretch before holding his swollen cock, moving it towards the sticky red hole and moving his lips slightly, tracing the shape of his labia with the crown.

From this position, Xia Chuan was just in the right spot to be able to get a clear picture of where their private areas were rubbing up against each other. The slippery head of his cock was circling around his entrance, grinding hard at it, but reluctant to enter. He was flushed down to his neck and even his breaths were boiling hot. There's nothing more he wanted right now but for that huge thing to mess up his pussy, but he couldn't lower his pride to plead Jiang Xuehang. He could only lift his own legs and try to nudge at his shoulders vaguely, signaling him to enter quickly.

When those firm legs touched the bare skin of his shoulders, Jiang Xuehang was driven past the boiling point. Grabbing Xia Chuan's misbehaving legs, he thrust his hips forward, allowing his dark and swollen cock to open up Xia Chuan's inner walls, slowly running over all the sensitive points until the whole rod filled the secret cavern with great force, forcing it into the shape of his sex.

Both their breathing hiked once they were completely unified. Jiang Xuehang propped him up with his arms on each side of Xia Chuan's head, carefully separating himself from the bulge on his belly. Only after making sure he wouldn't hurt the baby did he begin moving his waist.

The obscene fluids inside of the hole were already overflowing long ago, and the rod penetrated inside would draw a wet squish with the faintest movement, followed by the fluids trickling out from where they were connected. After a few slow thrusts, Jiang Xuehand couldn't hold it in any longer and began fucking him with wide thrusts, pressing Xia Chuan's bottom down into the mattress.

"Nn...Not so hard..." Blushing, Xia Chuan held onto Jiang Xuehang's arms. His ankles were held firmly in place over the man's shoulders and he couldn't break free at all. he had no choice but to endure the overly intense morning exercise. Jiang Xuehang's cock was hot and hard like iron being quenched, so hot that it caused the tender flesh inside the hole to clench around him. Being shaped like a scimitar, it was at the right angle to scratch the deepest itches. At the considerably violent pace they were going at, intense pleasure burst out in front of him again and again at each thrust. His helpless hole could hardly handle it. It had even forgotten how to push away the invader and could do nothing more than to wrap around it and produce even more fluids.

The two of them were so intensely entangled on the bed that they didn't even have the time to notice the door which had been pushed open halfway.

Su Ming slowly untied the apron around his waist, the lively and colorful scene reflected in his dark eyes.

Originally, he had just finished cooking up breakfast and thought of waking Xia Chuan up to eat.

But since this was the case, he naturally had to get his own share of the pie.

[1]It's believed that a night without dreams meant you slept really well and was uninterrupted all night.

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