Chapter 27

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While Xia Chuan was in a daze, and icy gaze glued to him woke him up abruptly. He opened his eyes to see Shang Yuzhong sitting on the side of the bed, staring steadily at him with bloodshot eyes. Clearly, he hadn't slept.

That icy gaze was not unfamiliar to Xia Chuan, but the usual contempt in his peach blossom eyes was gone. Instead, it was replaced by a strange fervor. When he saw Xia Chuan open his eyes, Shang Yuzhong quickly leaned down, taking his hand and asking, "How do you feel? Does your head hurt?"

Before Xia Chuan could answer, a warm glass of water was brought to his lips. He wasn't appreciative of that gesture, however, and slapped away the glass of water in front of him. With his hand loosening by reflex, Shang Yuzhong had warm water splashed over his face while the glass fell to the ground with a crisp noise, shattering into glittering shards.

He was mentally prepared to take a scolding from him, but Shang Yuzhong only sighed and wiped his face with the back of his hand. He went out and got another cup, then, he put a hand behind Xia Chuan's neck before taking the water into his own mouth and fed it to him by force. His rough treatment caused Xia Chuan to choke and cough, and he reacted by glaring at the man and grabbing his collar with tears welling in his eyes.

He had already drunk the water, but those slightly cool lips still continued running over Xia Chuan's lips and cheek. "Give birth to our child. Could you do that?"

Xia Chuan never expected to hear Shang Yuzhong speak in such a pleading tone. He looked at him, surprised, and found that this man had lost his usual haughty appearance, and was now looking at him silently like a large abandoned puppy.

Now that he thought about it, Shang Yuzhong's attitude had already changed since the summer make-up classes. And, he changed even more after they went to the hospital last time. Xia Chuan wasn't in the mood to complain about him going out of character either. He just stared at the floor and said, "Don't wanna."

The hand that was holding him shook violently, and a red tint quickly emerged around Shang Yuzhong's pretty eyes. His voice also seemed like he was choking back. "W...Why?"

If he questioned him threateningly, then Xia Chuan could have countered him justly, but in the face of this pitiful appearance, he felt his throat stiffen, and he spoke with much difficulty, "Isn't it obvious? I'm a man...I can't have a child..."

"I know that!" Shang Yuzhong answered, agitated. His sudden movements caused his braid to loosen, scattering his long, sweat-soaked hair over his temples, making him look unprecedentedly disheveled. "That fact will not change even if you give birth to our baby. This child...You can just take it as God's gift, can't you? You're the child's father, and so am I."

Xia Chuan couldn't avoid recalling last night's dream when he heard the words "child" and "baby". He had no idea if it was a projection of his thoughts during the day, or if it was a dream given to him by the unformed child in his belly, but after he saw that dream, he could no longer remain indifferent. Even so, he still clenched his fists hard and gritted his teeth. "No. I have to get an operation and a...abort him."

The cruel words at the end of his sentence seemed to have stung Shang Yuzhong. He could feel cold sweat running down his back and his soul was sinking into uneasiness. Gasping, he held Xia Chuan's stomach. Even if he couldn't feel the vitality of that small life inside, he could still feel the tugging pain in his heart. His tone sounded almost as if he were pleading. "Don't say that...I know you care about this child. You don't want to lose him, right? Do you know how happy I was when I heard you had my baby? Even though I thought kids were annoying in the past, and I even told myself I'd never have any in my life...Why did I change? Am I..."

His eyes showed surprise and his gaze wandered as if he was unwilling to meet Xia Chuan's eyes. After a while, he looked at him. "Am love with you?"

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