Chapter 38

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Just as Su Ming approached the end of the hallway, a shaky hand suddenly emerged, reaching for the phone on the ground. The person hiding in the shadows was finally exposed to the dim winter sunlight, revealing a face that was not unfamiliar to any of them.

It was extremely embarrassing to have his situation known to an acquaintance, but Xia Chuan was still relieved to know that it was her. It was much better than being sent to a research facility by a random stranger. He racked his brain trying to explain the situation in a way that was more logical and less like some crazy delusion and managed to shake off Xue Yuejia's suspicion for now.

She stood under the shadows, so her expression was unclear, but her fluctuating emotions were still clear enough to see. Her eyes, opened wide in shock, showed a dull, out-of-focus look. Even her voice was a little hoarse. "Xia're a hermaphrodite?!"

Xue Yuejia used to bump into Xia Chuan, who sometimes returned shirtless to the dormitory after basketball practice, and so she had seen his upper body, which was very clearly male. Back then, she even remembered being surprised at the fact that this guy actually had some muscles on his body. There was never any doubt that Xia Chuan was anything but male.

However...was it possible for a man to get pregnant? Would they get swollen from milk filling up their chest, even to the point where he would have someone suck it out in a hallway?

Being slapped across the face with such a direct question, and hearing such explicit words like "hermaphrodite" used on him left him dumbfounded. Whether it be Su Ming, Jiang Xuehang, or Shang Yuzhong, all of them ignored his unusual anatomy when they were with him, unless they were in bed. It wasn't until he received such vehement questioning from Xue Yuejia that he realized how abnormal he was as a man who could become pregnant and produce milk-a fact he had selectively chosen to forget.

Even while being wrapped up in a Michelin Man-styled down jacket with top-class insulation, Xia Chuan still felt as if he had landed in a cave of ice. He was freezing from head to toe, and his teeth had even begun to chatter.

It wasn't until a hot palm grasped his cold and stiff fingertips that he finally came back to his senses. The firmness of that grip that was strong enough to make the tips of his fingers throb in pain conveyed to him a reassuring sense of reliability without the need for words.

Exchanging glances with Xia Chuan, whose hand he held firmly, Shang Yuzhong raised his sharp chin, pointing it arrogantly forward. With an emotionless face and eyes that seemed like they were looking at maggots squirming in the gutter, he questioned her back. "Xia Chuan is a genuine man through and through, but what are you?"

He fished out his phone from his jacket and navigated to the dialing interface, keying in the number of the district police headquarters. "You're going to have to disappear from here today."

Despite what had been said, Xue Yuejia did not show any fear. Instead, a series of strange guttural laughs emerged from her throat. She pulled her phone out in the same fashion and dialed a number herself. The dialing tone played loudly from her loudspeakers in the quiet hallway.

Soon after, the call went through. "Hello, who's this?"

The girl's voice was slightly distorted through the signal, but three of the people present recognized the voice immediately.

Smirking provocatively at Shang Yuzhong who tried to threaten her earlier, Xue Yuejia said into the microphone, "This is Xia Chuan's girlfriend. You're Xia Xi, right?"

"What the hell are you trying to do?!" Su Ming, standing closest to her, could not stand to sit still anymore and stepped forward when he heard her claims, standing so closely in front of Xue Yuejia that he was practically forcing her to look at him. However, due to the call being on loudspeaker, Su Ming had to keep his voice down as much as possible.

A response soon came from the other end of the call. There seemed to be a lot of surprise in the voice. "My brother's girlfriend? Seriously?! Then, what's with the two roommates that came over last time..."

"Of course I'm being serious. The reason your brother didn't come home this winter..." Halfway through her sentence, Su Ming suddenly lunged for her phone, but she was well-prepared for such an event and was able to dodge in time, retreating back to the stairwell.

Rather than continue chatting with Xia Xi, she pressed her finger over the microphone and stared straight at the pale-faced Xia Chuan. "Xia Chuan, I know you're being forced. You like girls, right? If you come with me, I'll make sure your sister doesn't have to know a single word about this."

"Don't go." Jiang Xuehang grabbed Xia Chuan's wrist, not allowing him to move.

His wrist, which was being held, shook incessantly. Xia Chuan's body, which had just begun to warm up, began to freeze up again. He gritted his teeth hard. Even the veins on his forehead were popping. "My family can't find out about us, not yet!"

There was a moment of hesitation in Jiang Xuehang when he heard that, allowing Xia Chuan to break free and rush out. Even Su Ming was unable to stop him. They could only watch as Xue Yuejia took Xia Chuan's hand.

"Hurry up and hang up the call!" Xia Chuan also tried to grab Xue Yuejia's phone, but she was able to dodge him, too.

Under the anxious watch of the four of them, she removed her finger from the microphone and continued what she was saying before. "The reason your brother didn't come home this winter, do you know why?"

"Why? Didn't he say he was going to focus on his studies?" Xia Xi was completely oblivious as to what was going on, and hearing what Xue Yuejia said stoked her curiosity.

Holding her phone in one hand and Xia Chuan's hand with the other, Xue Yuejia went in the direction of the elevator.

The other three were afraid that she might spill something important and that she might hurt Xia Chuan, so neither of them had the guts to stop her.

The elevator on the right-hand side just happened to have stopped on this floor. After calling the elevator, Xue Yuejia led Xia Chuan inside. Before the doors closed, she even smiled and waved at the ones standing outside.

"Fuck!" Shang Yuzhong slammed his fist into the steel door of the elevator. There was a loud bang, but the tightly shut doors remained shut. His fingers, on the other hand, stung a lot.

Jiang Xuehang quickly pressed the down button again. Despite how calm he seemed on the surface, the way he blurted his words exposed his anxiety. "Shang Yuzhong, does Xue Yuejia know how to drive?"

"She has a driver's license, and there's a good chance she drove here today."

"Then the two of us will go to the basement, Su Ming will go to the first floor. It's better to split up just in case!"

"Let's do that." Su Ming nodded. There were still a few floors before the elevator arrived, and the usually short wait felt unbearably slow at this moment. Rather than wait, he decided to just make the run down the stairs instead.

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