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May I say, when Mariah left, I was on cloud nine. Or as Miss. Purpose would say, "Jumping for joy."
But when she left, all eyes were on me. Now, I wasn't popular before, but after, I was everyone talked about. I'm pretty sure Ellen or Wendy knew about me.
Blaming me for her transfer was the cause of my popularity. Nobody knew why she left, and I wasn't gonna tell them.
But there was this one guy in particular.
Kyle McDonald. He was nice and even sat down next to me at lunch. When I looked at him, he said, "Welcome to the club." I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What club?" He didn't plan on staying seated at my table for long, 'cause he stood up.
"The kissing Miss. Baker, club." I wanted to ask if he kissed her too, but he said, "You scared her away, I like you. Wanna be friends?" While I loved the thought of having a friend. I didn't wanna include him into my messed up life.
"No thanks. I don't wanna scare you off too." He nods and turns away before stopping to say, "You're badass, so am I, we'll make a great team someday." Then he walked away and waved and said, "See you sometime in the future, Olly." He was the first person to call me Olly. I even told my dad about it, then he started calling me that. But I couldn't help but feel important when I heard Kyle say it. And to this day, I wish I could've said yes to being his friend.

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