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"You're meaning to tell me that he just sent you a message saying you're fired?"
Kyle asked with shock.
"What did I do wrong?" I asked, my tone almost bellow a whisper.
"Hey, it's not your fault, Dip-Noodle." Isabelle sat next to me on the bed of my and Kyle's hotel room.
"How do I know that?" I asked her. "If he stopped giving Lexi the best clients and giving me an old woman who can't afford to do the things she loves, maybe I wouldn't be getting fucking fired!" I yelled. I knew in any second I was going to cry, I couldn't do that, not in front of my only two friends. I couldn't let them see me like this.
"Dude, it's all good, you can go home and talk to him." Kyle says, trying to sound calm, but calm isn't really his nature.
I don't respond to their soothing words. My mind is racing to even process anything. I have to tell my dad. I have to tell my dad a few things; His son is a fuck up, his son got fired from a job he worked so hard to get, I saw my mother again. The woman he fell in love with. The woman who left him for another man.
"I need...I need some time." I said softly.
Kyle just stared at me, then Isabelle grabbed his arm. "Let's go down to the bar before a man tries to get my sister's number and he ends up on the news."
Kyle kept his gaze on me before he hear Isabelle's words.
"Better him than me." He said, trying to pry his arm away from her, but she yanked him so hard he nearly stumbled over.
"I said come on." She said through gritted teeth before leading him out of the door where I was then alone. I don't call my dad, not right away. I look at myself in the mirror of the bathroom and sighed.
How could I ever be worthy of having Isabelle?
I can't even keep a damn job that I had for three years. I'm not the hottest man in the world, I'm not rich.
I finally let the tears fall, I cry until my eyes said they've run dry of fresh tears.
I pick up my phone and waited a few times before the voice comes back.
"Jessie, can I talk to you?"

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