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"I'm not wearing socks." Isabelle whispered to me once we placed our luggage on the table and removed our shoes to put in a bucket for inspection.
"Why didn't you wear socks?" I asked her once I got my laces undone.
"I thought we'd land at the beach."
I rolled my eyes and placed my shoes in the bucket along with my phone and a few pocket change and my wallet.
I watched as Miss. Purpose looks around before quickly dumbing her shoes in the next bucket.
"Where's your sister?" I asked while walking through the metal detector.
"She took Macy to the bathroom, she said her stomach was hurting."
I nod.
I was nervous to meet Isabelle's only family, how she was nervous about meeting mine.
I grabbed my bucket and pulled on my shoes and put everything in their original placements in my pocket.
"I'm glad you took a week off of work for me. I'd miss you too much if you hadn't." She blushed slightly. "I'd beg my sister to fly me back to Orlando."
Her words made me get butterflies, but I don't say anything as I watch her bare feet slide into her Levis..
"Let's go sit over there." I point to a waiting area. I read my plane ticket a few times. I got seat A38 while Isabelle got B39 which was right across from me.
Isabelle carried her small book bag as a carry-on with her to our seat.
Once we were seated, she looked around for her niece and sister then looked at me.
"Did you tell Kyle and Heaven you were going to Miami?"
"No, Kyle would want to come and I don't want his wife to ruin our trip with her attitude." I couldn't stop the words from flowing. Isabelle looks at me and shrugs. "Agreed." She says then her head snapped to her left when we heard a loud sound. "Titi Bell!!" A small girl came running up to Isabelle.
She wore yellow overalls and a white T-shirt.
"Hey," Isabelle kissed her rosy red cheeks then looked at me. "This is my friend, Oliver."
The little girl offered me her hand. "Hello." I took her hand in mine, it was cold and tiny. "Hello." I echoed her and she giggled.
"Mommy's gonna be mad." She whispered to Isabelle.
"I'll handle your mom." Isabelle says and sets the little girl on her lap and looks at me with a scared look. She clearly couldn't handle her sister.
Just before we could get our things and board our plane, Isabelle groaned.
"What is it?" I asked after turning away from a McDonalds that had my mouth watering.
"My sister is making Macy sit with me, she's calling her ex."
I looked at her with an eyebrow raised, she clearly knew what I was going to say next.
"She's still with him?"
"No, I have no idea why she even talks to him." I watch as she plays with the tips of her short hair, wishing it was longer how it used to be, maybe.
"Titi Belle? I have to pee." Macy said, tugging on Isabelle's sleeve.
"Didn't you go to the bathroom?"
"I pooped that time, I have to this time."
I held back a smile as I watched Isabelle deal with a child.
"Ugh fine." She says to her niece, then turns to me. "Brb."
I watch them disappear with the crowd. I took a seat on the metal bench and watched people walk around.
A woman was talking on the phone, she was loud enough for me to hear the conversation.
"What do you mean? I just landed in Orlando, I have one more plane to catch." She paused and wiped some falling tears.
"Jacob, please don't do this, I can't just go home when I'm so close to being with you."
She looks around her and then down at her feet as the person on the other line spoked. They must have yelled because she flinched.
"What did you say?" Her voice was so low, I had to lean a bit closer, she was at least ten feet away from me.
"You can't break up with me! You stupid son of a-" Her eyes lock with mine, her deep blue eyes shot daggers in mine.
"What the fuck are you looking at?!" She yelled at me, she looked like she could blow up if she could.
"Sorry." I mumbled, I knew she didn't hear me. The sounds of a bell and a woman on the intercom announcing the next plane or if a plane had arrived, along with almost 100 people talking loudly.
"Do you have any idea how it feels to get dumped just like that?" She didn't sound mad anymore, just hurt.
"I'm sorry." I say, meaning it.
"We were supposed to get married." She wipes her tears and grabs her bags.
As I watched her leave, I couldn't help but think about Jessie. If I broke up with her on Christmas, would she have acted like this? Would I take her back?
I stood and ran after the woman. I had no idea what I was doing, but I didn't seem to care when she turned around with those tears in her eyes.
"I want to apologize for listening to your conversation. And I do understand what you're going through. My girlfriend broke up with me on Christmas."
Although I just told a stranger something personal, I felt better even when she stared at me for a second before laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"You're cute." She says and wipes her tears.
"Maybe she didn't want to buy you a present."
That made my eyebrows rise.
"You think that's why?"
She shrugs.
"If she breaks up with you on a holiday that involves money, I'd have a hunch."
I smiled at her, her smile widened.
She was beautiful with long blonde hair, deep blue eyes and a taller form than Isabelle.
"My name is Jule."
I take her hand in mine.
"Oliver, but you can call me-"
"Olly, I've been looking for you!" I had to make sure I was at the right place, because when I turned around and saw Kyle walking up to me, I was dumbfounded.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him when he walked up to me and Jule.
"Billy told me you took the week off of work when I called him. I talked to your old man and he said you're going to Miami...Without me." His last words were delivered with a glare.
"So I decided to come too." He gave me a wide tooth grin.
I ignored him and turned around to face Jule. Well, I thought I did, but she was gone."
"Where's Isebelle?" He asked once I scanned the crowd for Jule.
"Come on." I kept looking around for Julie, but she was gone as if she was never here.

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