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I had two thoughts in my mind at that moment. I empathized with Kyle, but I questioned the sincerity of his words. I want to believe him, but I find it difficult to take his words seriously. How could he not notice his wife's pregnancy? Did he not observe any physical changes in her? Did she not experience any changes in her menstrual cycle?
I glanced at Kyle with a sorrowful expression. He didn't make eye contact with me since delivering the news. I struggled to find the right words to say, but nothing came to mind. In that moment, I longed for the sound of chirping birds, hoping it would break the heavy silence that filled the air.
Finally, he spoke. "Aren't you gonna say something?"
Kyle needed me, and I knew it was my job to be there for him. Just as I had relied on others like my dad and Isabelle in the past, now it was my turn to give back and be a supportive presence for someone else. Even if I had suspicions that they might not be completely honest with me.
I was willing to play his game and take on a role in his story. It was a chance for me to offer my support and be a shoulder to lean on, just as others had done for me.
"How'd you know?" I inquired of him, and ultimately he directed his focus towards me. He let out a sigh, and I could almost sense the anguish in his throat as he restrained himself from sobbing and shedding tears.
At first, he didn't speak immediately. I patiently waited for him. When he eventually decided to speak and gather his words and thoughts, he said, "Her sister told me."
I stared ahead, my mind racing at an unprecedented speed. Numerous questions demanded answers, answers I knew he wouldn't provide. I could sense his careful consideration of every word before speaking. At this juncture, I faced a dilemma on if I should ask the questions I had suppressed, or allow him to continue embellishing his story.
Ultimately, I never had the opportunity to ask, as he declared, "You don't believe me, do you?"
"Huh? No-I mean, yeah!"
As I reflected on my actions, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and disappointment. The realization of my own foolishness was like a slap in the face, a harsh reminder of my own shortcomings. Meanwhile, I noticed a distinct sound - a heavy sigh escaping from him. It was accompanied by him abruptly standing up.
"You don't believe me, that's cool. I'll just show you."
"What?" I blinked to confirm Kyle's presence in my living room as he spoke. He observed my perplexed expression and stated, "You're gonna meet my wife."
Yeah, he's completely nuts.

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