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Kyle had showered and was somewhat back to normal that same day.
Isabelle was with her sister, I haven't seen her after we met at the diner downstairs.
I was sitting on my bed, watching PBS Kids because...why the hell not? I like Buster and D.W.
As Kyle flopped next to me on my bed, he said, "Sorry dude, I never asked how you were this morning. After getting the F word and all."
"Just say fired, Kyle, it'll make me feel better." I say blankly.
"For real?"
He ran his hands over the knee hole in his jeans then looks up at the TV. He doesn't question about my choice of show or channel, he just watches it with me. His breathing matched mine, we don't speak. Despite me hating silence, this one was comforting, this one was enough.


"Dude, I wasn't that drunk." Kyle says to Isabelle who was wearing a pink dress and the hat Brenda had on the airplane.
"You were too!" She says, her eyebrows going up. "You were so drunk you asked me if your baby was okay."
I looked over at her in our booth. Brenda sat next to Kyle opposite from us while Macy went to play at some arcade.
"He said what?" I say with shock.
"He kept saying he was pregnant and that he shouldn't have drunk alcohol and kept asking us to check on the baby." She explained with a blank face while I smacked the table in laughter. Brenda seemed to be having her gaze on Macy running around in another where the noice mainly was coming from. Teenagers and kids running around with cards with credits on them.
"You okay?" I draw my hand forward on the table to get her attention. She looks at me, her eyes wide and brows raised.
"Hm?-oh yeah, I'm good." She said and her gaze shot back on her daughter.
"So, you saw his mom?" Kyle asked Isabelle, "is she hot or what?"
Isabelle laughed and talked about my mother appearance. I heard every adjective she used to describe my mother, some words I wouldn't dare to use. Things like: Gorgeous, a little passionate and quiet.
My mother isn't gorgeous, she's beautiful, pretty, but gorgeous was overstepping it. She has long blond hair and green eyes. Her top lip is bigger than the bottom and a little darker too and she doesn't seem to age. Even after seeing her, she didn't seem to have the grey hairs my dad has or the wrinkles.
"Gorgeous huh?" Kyle wiggled his eyebrows at me then looks at Isabelle again. "Hey, why are you single?" The question caught Isabelle so off guard that she nearly choked on her apple juice that was actually Macy's.
"What?" She said roughly from the need to cough again.
"Why are you single?" He says again.
"Who asks someone why they're single? That's like going up to an old man and ask him why he's old or to a homeless man and ask him if he has a house."
I held back the need to laugh. Kyle doesn't react to her words, he just stares at her, his thumbs rubbing against the condensation of his glass of water.
"Well, I guess it's because I haven't met the right guy. That's the same reason to every single person, right?" She looks up at Kyle. They both don't seem to notice me, so I just listen.
"Yeah, that's true, but if you did meet the guy of your dreams, what would you do?"
"Date him?" She replied, raising a confused brow.
"I don't think it's that easy. Just because you have enough money to buy the house doesn't mean you have to go through a ton of other shit to get it."
Even his words confused me, but Isabelle seemed to understand.
"So if I met the one, why can't I just date him?" She asked, leaning forward a bit.
Kyle leans back in his chair, his arm brushing against Brendan's when he crossed his arms.
"What if he doesn't like you? What if he's already in a relationship? What if both of you aren't financially stable? What if-"
"Okay, I think I got the memo." She says, waving him off.
"So I'll ask you again, why are you single?"
The way Kyle asked the question, the way he spoke and looked at her, it all gave me Deja vu.
He sounds like my dad, when he says something dumb but actually makes sense, and you know it makes sense but the question-so simple-just doesn't make sense.
Isabelle experienced that just now, her eyes falling to the bottle of juice. Her eyes shift left to right, then she looks up at Kyle as if she knew the answer, like they were speaking telepathically. Then, her head turns in my direction, she stares at me, her brown eyes string deep into my green ones. I thought she would say something, but she didn't, she just turned back to Kyle and said, "Because I'm scared to give a guy my whole heart and he breaks it."
Just as the words came out of her mouth, Brenda looks at me, I stared into her cold black eyes, her eyes softened. Maybe she was speaking telepathically to me now, I just didn't understand what she was saying. Her lips part, then her eyes shift to Isabelle then back at me.
I look at Isabelle now, I guess that's what she was telling me.
Tell her how you feel.

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