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I was busy, on Tuesday. I forgot to call Isabelle last night and this morning.
I have been in two meetings plus in my boss's office for half the day begging him to let me have another client, which he let me. My new client was yet to be revealed as soon as Boss Man finds out. I knew it would be a female, he gives me all the girls and gives Lexus, Bill, and Gianna, male's which I never questioned. While there's a shit-ton of other workers here, I pay attention to those three in particular.
I was on the phone with Bill's client for some odd reason. Bill had giving him my number just in case he wasn't in today. So I've been on the phone with this guy who didn't have anything to say about his app design. He was making a streaming app and hadn't really finished, all he needed was a logo, a logo he wasn't even trying to discuss.
"And then I went to work with my dad and he told me I was gonna take over when he died." He said, and I was rolling in my chair in boredom.
"Do you know what I told Bill? The guy who's working on my logo?" When I opened my mouth to say 'what', he'd already told me. "He told me my app would lead predators in to flirt with teenagers, do you know what I told him?" When I didn't say anything-'cause he wouldn't let me-he told me anyways. "I told him I'd just monitor people's conversations and make sure." I sat up in my chair.
"Are you-"
"But he told me that would be invading people's privacy so I said I wouldn't do it. I mean it, honest." I sighed, everything in my being telling me to hang the phone up or pretend I don't hear him and tell him he's breaking up before hanging up the phone, but sadly, I didn't.
"Did you-" I started, but as voluble as he was, he didn't let me speak.
"I mean, come on man. He's acting like I'll read them and post them on the internet."
I moved the phone away from my ear and groaned before pressing it back to my ear. As the man continued his speech about an app he's not trying to work on, my mind wandered and I found out why Bill gave him my number purposely. He knew this man talked more than he inhaled and exhaled. He didn't wanna deal with him, so he gave him to me; The people pleaser. I hate being rude to people I work with and for.
I close my eyes and let the man speak. meanwhile, I typed away on my computer and emailing my dad's work email, saying I won't be able to see him today after work. My phone was in my car because I'm irresponsible.
"You heard me?" I heard him say when I hit send.
"Sorry, I was sending an important email."
He sighed.
"I'm sorry dude, I talk too much. When I was little, I wasn't like this." I nod and say, "I'm really busy, give me your first and last name along with your phone number, and I'll make sure to get back with you in a little bit." Which wasn't true; I was just gonna hand all the information to Lexus and make her call him.
All in all, I was happy that I got to say all of that without him interrupting.
"Umm, sure thing. And make sure to tell Billy I called."
"Of course. What's your name?"
"Kyle McDonald." I nearly dropped the phone and not because he talked too much.
"Kyle?" My voice was toned down towards a whisper, I didn't know if he heard me or not.
"Yeah." He said. "K.Y.L-" It was my turn to interrupt him. "It's me, Oliver. Oliver Stone." Since the moment I picked up the phone, he didn't talk, he was just as shocked.
"Kisser Club, Olly?" I smiled and felt my arm muscles tighten when I clutched the phone tighter to my ear.
"Yeah, kissing Miss. Baker, Olly."
He laughed.
"You're still living in Orlando?" He asked.
"Yeah, never left."
"Damn, how long has it been?"
"Thirteen years." I tell him, my smile hurting my face.
"What time are you off? I wanna catch up." I ran a hand through my hair.
"Umm, I'm gonna be working late tonight. I get off around ten, depending on how fast or slow I work."
"Why you wasting time?" Because you didn't stop talking.
"Oh, just a lot going on. Are you busy?"
"No, if you're not tired by the time you get off, I'd like to meet you at a bar or something."
I nod, but he couldn't see. "Great, I'd like that. See you in five hours." He guffawed and said, "See you in five hours, not thirteen years." I laugh and say ok, before hanging up.
As I got back into my zone, all I could think was, what are the odds?

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