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I have been waiting for Kyle to show up for ten minutes! This has to be perfect. I know it just does.
I stared at myself and practiced my lines over and over again.
I heard the knock and mostly levitated down the stairs. I don't know why Isabelle wanted to live in a bigger house if she's has to clean it.
I swing the door open and hug Kyle's daughter, Amelia. She's gotten much bigger since the last time I've seen her for Thanksgiving.
"Hi uncle Olly." She says with a wave as they take their jackets off. It wasn't really cold out, but knowing Kyle, his little girl getting sick is like the world is ending.
"Hey cuteness." I pay her head then watched her run upstairs to see Macy. They've been best friends since they got introduced.
I was watching Macy and Amelia for Brenda and Kyle. They were going out. After Kyle divorced Heaven, Brenda and Kyle started to grow closer. Since Kyle was here, he can couch me.
"She'll be here any minute!" I didn't have much nails to bite off since I ate them all since the moment I purchased the ring.
"It's simple. Ask your dad." He turned to leave, but I grabbed him.
"Let me propose to you."
He blinked.
"You're not my type."
"That's not what I mean, Kyle." I shot at him.
"Dude, you two have been dating for three years, a 100 percent chance she'll say yes."
He had a point, and I calmed down a bit.
"Look, I have a half naked girl waiting for me back at a motel. Talk to me later."
"Gross, I do not want to hear that."
He laughed and waved me off.
After me and Miss. Purpose made things official three years ago, I started to work at Starbucks. Nicki had quit when I had applied. I never asked why, but I still think about her.
I found another Logo Designer company here in LA, so we all moved here.
I felt my heart racing slightly.
She was home. I could hear her car pull our driveway which made my heart sink so low in my stomach, I'll be shitting it out later on.
I quickly stood up when I heard her keys. My eyes closing as I prepared myself.
"I'm home!" Isabelle yelled as I hear her hanging her keys up.
"In here." I call out to her, my voice a bit shaky.
She appears in the living room where I press a soft kiss to her forehead.
"How was work?" I asked her. She's been working as a file clerk since we moved into our house.
"It was good." She sits on the couch, I felt like I was about to piss myself.
"Isabelle." I started and reached for the ring. It was gone.
"Yeah?" She says while looking up at me.
Where is that ring? Did I leave it upstairs? I slowly began to panic.
"I love you. Life without you is stupid and I can't even think about living without you. I thank god every morning and for you and that Starbuck's door. I thank god for whoever made the door so big enough for me to hit you with it."
She doesn't seem to be suspicious of why I'm saying all of this. I pretty much say it every day.
"Isabelle." I sighed and stepped closer. I felt something poke my leg. I quickly look down to see what it was.
The ring.
Thank god.
I get down on one knee in front of her and use the time to pick the ring up. Isabelle's eyes had widened, her hands covering her mouth in pure shock.
"You're my purpose, and I will keep loving you until that purpose comes to an end." I held the ring up to her. "Will you marry me?"
I had nerves ruining all over my body. It felt like people tickling me.
She nods quickly. "Yes." She whispered at first, my hands were shaking so badly I thought I'd drop the ring.
"Yes." She says again, crying now, which made me want to cry too.
Still shaking, I slip the ring onto her finger and pick her up. I've never felt more happier in my life. To have her with me, to be her reason, makes me the happiest man alive.
"I guess I can tell you now." She says white her arms wrapped around my neck.
"What is it?" I questioned, holding her close to me. I can hear Amelia and Macy laughing loudly. Probably playing their Roblox or whatever.
Isabelle looks at me with a nervous laugh, then says, "I'm pregnant."
I stared at her for what seemed like ages before I finally spoke. "What?"

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