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I remember when I was seven, my dad was still going through the pain of my mom leaving. He didn't go to his room, and I knew it was because it smelt like her, it had all the memories of her. So, he staid downstairs.
Whenever I'd go downstairs to catch the school bus, he was sleeping on the couch. I was a kid, I didn't know what he was going through, I never been heartbroken before.
As his pain and suffering rubbed off on me, I went outside to our backyard. We used to have a dog, Marlo, but mom ran him over after her and dad had an argument.
Me and Marlo were playing and I threw the ball at her tire. Of course it bounced off, but Marlo was a runner, he was faster than the ball itself. And mom was backing up the same time I threw the ball and poor fast Marlo slid right under her car tire. I was six, and that was my first time losing someone I loved, right in front of me. Mom was in tears too, dad blamed her and a year after Marlo's death, she was out the door. I told myself she left because she loved Marlo, and living in a house without him was too painful. That wasn't the reason at all.
As I sat by Marlo's grave that night, I told him about mom leaving, and how long my dad has been hurting. Even when it was my birthday and she never showed up, he was acting as if he were at my funeral rather than my birthday party.
And when I got done talking to a nonexistent dog I once had, the stars were out. I looked up and there they were. The sky looked more of a dark purple rather than black. The stars kinda came in pairs, but they laid in the sky along with the moon. And although the stars and the moon look different, have different names and do different things. They were perfect when they were together, and what ended up happening after? I slept there, next to Marlo's burial and under the stars. Of course my dad yelled at me for it, but what I said next made the anger in his face, turn into sadness "But dad, you sleep differently since mommy left, I wanted to do the same." After that, my dad slept in his room again, and so did I. Most times I'd still go out and look at the stars, sometimes I couldn't, because they weren't out. I thought to myself, I have never seen anything so beautiful, than the stars that I slept under, when I was seven.

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