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I woke up with a foot in my face. I pushed it away and felt an uncomfortable dryness in my mouth. I licked my lips and rolled my tongue around in my mouth to get it wet again.
I looked down and at the bottom of the couch was Isabelle. She hugged my leg and without warning, she kicked me right in the stomach.
"Ow!" I pushed her feet off of me and pulled my leg away from her grasp. When I did, the game controller tumbled to the floor.
Isabelle jumped up, her eyes still closed.
"I'm up!"
I looked at her with siren-like eyes and placed the controller that once fell to the ground-on the table.
"Come on, I have to work." In the back of my mind, I told myself it didn't matter, I already slept in.
"Right, me too." She grabbed her phone from the table next to the couch and looked down at it.
"Holy crap-nugget, it's eleven?!"
As she ran upstairs, I raised an eyebrow.
"Where does she get these names from?" I learned to figure out one thing about Miss. Purpose; She knew how to give anything or anyone a weird name and make it fit.


"You're late." Lexus leans close to me as she gripped her coffee in one hand.
I don't say anything to her as she walks with me to my office. I could smells her flower scented perfume and I pull my coffee to my nose to smell that instead.
"Did you hear about Mark? He owns a McDonalds now."
I stop walking and pull the coffee from my nose and look at her. She stops too and looks up at me. I don't speak right off the bat-because I was still trying to figure out what to say exactly. When I sorted through my options of a response, this was what I came up with, "What?"
She sighed through her nose and looked at me from her eyelashes that were extra bushy today.
"You know Mark, Mark Willmore?"
"I know who you're talking about Lex." I tell her.
"Good, so, now you know."
She makes a shape turn, so her hair hits my chest before she storms down the hall of busy people.
I go back to work and on the spot, before I could get my butt in the chair, my phone rings.
I answer it on the third ring and hold it up to my ear.
"This is Oliver Stone, how may I help you?"
"Oliver Stone, ahhh, can I get your autograph?"
That voice.
"Dad, I told you not to call my work phone."
I hear him and Christy laughing.
"I'm sorry, say it again."
"Say what?"
"Your phone call intro thingy."
I roll my eyes.
"Dad, I'm really busy, is something important going on?"
A long pause came back before he answers.
"No, I just wanted to tell you I got your email and thought it'll be fun to call your work phone."
I pinch the bridge of my nose in irritation.
"Is that all?"
"Yep. I'll see you when you get off Squirt."
I heard the call disconnect and place the phone back onto the receiver as I began to get started. I headed back to the website and started making a 3D model of Stacey's bakery logo which took a few hours. I sent Isabelle a message asking her if she'd be going home or not.
I didn't get a reply yet, so I place my phone down on my desk.
I didn't know what else to do, the day was pretty much boring, and when I leans back in my chair to close my eyes, my door slammed open.
"He'd den done it!" I jumped back up and watched my boss walk in holding a tablet.
"No, Justin Timberlake-of course I'm talking about Mark's good for nothing ass."
I blinked a few times to make sure I heard him right. His anger didn't faze me, instead, his face made me laugh which I didn't do, I had to suck on my lip again to hold it in.
"Lookie here!" He flipped the tablet around to face me on my desk. I look at him for-I don't know reason-and then turned my gaze down on the waiting tablet. On it was an email from Mark.
It was mostly him bribing Boss Man for the company, then the email got drastic. He started making threats, about his wife and his daughter.
I look at my boss and then down again to make sure he wasn't fucking with me.
"Sue?" I asked, since that's all my mouth could form; a three letter word.
I watch as his eyes go bright, and his big lips curl into a smirk.
"Damn right."

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