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I hate silence. More than anything, it permeates the air and induces discomfort. It sets your mind racing like a marathon, which I despise.
In the passenger seat of my car, Isabelle sat. Her silence was deafening as she gazed out of the window, her cheek resting in her hand. Meanwhile, a cascade of negative thoughts consumed me.
I never told Isabelle that what Heaven had said was wrong. I don't have romantic feelings for her, I could tell the whole world that and mean it.
I swallowed, opened my mouth to speak, but closed it again because I was at a loss for words.
I noticed her other hand fidgeting with her jeans, indicating that her mind must have been racing just like mine.
Without overthinking, I just said, "Sorry."
She glances in my direction, raising an eyebrow.
"For what?"
"For what Heaven said, I don't really like you in that way."
She breaks into a smile.
"Oh, I knew why she said it"
I raised an eyebrow, urging her to continue.
"She was just teasing you. Although I couldn't help but feel like she has a thing for you."
I looked at her without saying anything, then looked at the road again.
"I kinda knew it."
"Too bad she's married." She sighed.
"I'm not looking for anything right now."
I saw her look at me which made me smile.
"Just asking, why did you let go my hand?"
"Because your hand was sweating." She expressed her disapproval with a disgusted tone.
I had a big smile on my face that made my cheeks hurt. Even though I anticipated it, I couldn't help but flinch when her finger dug into my cheek.
"Hey Dip-Noodle?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Can I stay over your place again?"
She gently lowers her finger from my cheek and clasps her hands on her lap.
"Why?" I asked.
"I like it-your house-you make me feel..."
After she didn't respond, I took a quick glance at her and then shifted my attention back to the road before asking, "How do I make you feel?"
Initially, I doubted she would respond, but without looking at me with a huge smile on her face, she whispered, "Safe."


I took off my shoes by the front door and headed towards the living room. Despite not touching my food, I was full.
I motioned towards the living room, "Sit." I ordered and she sat down on the couch.
"Call Of Duty?"
"Let's play The Last Of Us."
Leaning over the back of the couch, I looked down at her and said, "Miss. Purpose."
She glanced at me and smiled. "Yes Dip-Noodle?"
"You ask me for something else, I will chop your hair off when you go to sleep."
She touches her head, trying to protect her hair, expressing her disbelief, "You wouldn't dare," she said with a hint of shock.
"Don't tempt me." I stood up tall and gave myself a nice stretch. "I'm going to bed, you know where everything is."
She confidently grabs the remote and smiles at me.
"Night night."
I rolled my eyes and made my way upstairs.
Once in my room, I intended to change into my pajamas, but instead, I plopped down on my bed and closed my eyes. My heart was racing, as if I had just ran for my life. My breathing was slow and gentle. I could feel my eyelids growing heavier, but then the sound of chirping abruptly snapped them open. It was already eleven o'clock, and I couldn't help but wonder why there was a bird so close to my window again. Shouldn't they be asleep? Shouldn't they be migrating? It's winter, for goodness' sake.
I was just about to get up and investigate that pesky bird that had been bothering me since this morning, but then my door opened. I knew it was Isabelle, but I still asked who it was.
"It's me, Miss. Purpose."
I couldn't help but smile. It was adorable how she used her nickname I gave her.
I sat up and glanced at her.
"What's going on?"
She nervously tugged on her sleeves, covering her hands, with only her fingertips showing.
"I'm ready to go to sleep too."
I frowned my eyebrows in confusion.
"Choose a guest room."
I thought that was the end of it, so I cozied up under my blankets that had a hint of my cologne. However, she wasn't finished. She walked over to the other side of the bed and slipped under the covers with me. I sat up and had the urge to kick her off (although I managed to hold myself back).
"What are you doing?"
Ignoring me, she snuggled under the blanket. With a smile, as if she had done this before.
"Good night." She said in a high-pitched tone.
Allowing my intrusive thoughts to take over, I forcefully pushed her off my bed. She landed with a thud and, within seconds, her head popped up with a glare on her face.
"What the heck!" she yelled. "Get out," I said firmly.
"No way, I want to sleep with you."
"What for?" I protested.
"I don't know."
"Get out," I said again, dismissing her words.
She stood up and looked at me, no expression.
I pointed to the door, "Out."
She walked briskly towards the door and glanced back at me. After a moment of contemplation, she turned her gaze towards me once more.
"It's a bummer you don't like me, 'cause I like you."
I knew that she was joking. She wanted to occupy my thoughts before I go to sleep. She intended to be the last person on my mind.
She opened the door and left, closing it behind her.
I didn't take her words seriously that night. I didn't even dwell on them after she closed the door, but then I wish I had.

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